Chapter 2:Sucks to Watch

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Heey Everyone:))

Hope you Loved the first Chapter of my story:))

I have a song for this chapter:))

Hope you like chapter 2: SUCKS TO WATCH


Taylor Swift-Invisible<33


Chapter 2:

Dressing into my skinnys and a white tank top, I walked out of the house, already seeing the bonfire, and Damen Kissing Annalisa, I flinched and walked over to a nearbye Willow tree, sitting against it and pulled my legs up to my chest, just looking on.

He was laughing with her now, tickling her. To see his hands on another was killing me, I remembered the first night they stayed at the pack house, the room was right next door, I had to hear everything, My heart was cracking with every moan, giggle or noise. I also remembered Jake had stayed with me that night, stroking my hair.

I shook myself at the memory and looked around to see none other then Jake Robinson my best friend walking towards me, I smiled and moved over so he could sit beside me.

Im not going to lie. Jake was preety good looking. Tall, brown eyes and hair, serious muscle, Abs that would make anyone drool, but Me, I was immune to his good looks, I only thought one person was amazing, he just didnt think that I was amazing. I didnt think i was either.

Not like Annalisa though. She was the picture of perfectness. Thin, sholder length blond hair, blue eyes, compared to me she was a super model, I was plain, ordinary, boring. My straight brown hair hung to the middle of my back, I had brown eyes, tan skin, I was thin but average in his eyes.

" stop it Kay, you're amazing, beautisul an smart and if he cant realise that then he doesnt deserve your amazingness" he chuckled at his made up word and I smiled with him, he always knew how to cheer me up " thank you, you have some serious amazingness too," we both laughed.

It was short lived, when I looked up I saw Damen Holding Anna close, whispering things in her ear, If only he could do that with me, but no. he Loves her.

I whimpered. Why did it have to hurt this bad, a tear rolled slowly down my cheek, Jake wiped it away and pulled me close, I burried my head in his neck, inhaling his comforting forest scent. " it"ll be okay Kara, shhh, its okay, I"m so Sorry shhh." He whispered.

I looked over his sholder to see Damen looking at us, his face was still on her sholder, it only showed regret, and anger. He didnt have the right to be angry at me for hugging Jake.

Not while he was hugging ans kissing her.

I pulled away from Jake, stood up, gave him a kiss on the forhead. " I"m going for a run, I"ll see you later," I put on a fake smile and walked over to my brother, he smiled hugged me tight.

" whats up?" he asked he had his worried big brother look on, damn he must have seen that I was crying, I shook my head, smiled and gave him a kiss too.

" Nothing, I"m just going for a run, I"ll be home later," I knew I looked pathetic, but he must not have been able to see it.

He waved me off, laughing at the guys.

I ran into the forest, shifting just before I hit the tree's.

I welcomed the slight burn from the shift, but hated the immeidiate pain.

My stomach clenched, my wolf gasped I did too, today was unbearable.

I whimpered, the pain getting stronger, I knew someone was running to me, but I couldnt pay attention to who it was, the searing pain in my heart was increasing to my stomach.

I cryed out, shifting back to my human form. I cryed out, whimpering my pain before I looked up to see Emma, Jake, Sam, Annalisa and Damen. He looked worried, seeing him brought a new round off pain.

I was choking in my own world.

" make it stop, please, please stop," I sobbed, curling into a ball. Sam picked me up.

I could hear people asking what was wrong but I was too blinded by my own pain.

Finally, I was sucked into the pain free feeling of unconcuiosness.


Hope you like it everyone:)



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