Chapter 3: My Secrets Out

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Heey guys:))

Hope you like chapter 2(((:

I know most of the chapters are short, but Wattpad pages are blimmy long:L

oh for the chapter......

Take me as I am-Fm Static<33

Kyarnii<33 xoxo

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Chapter 3 

I started to feel conciuos, but I still couldnt open my eyes but I could just hear a conversation between my brother and Jake, and I didnt like it one bit.

"What was that Jake? She was acting like a rejected mate? She doesnt have a mate, and I know she has been spending heaps of time with you since last year, What is going on?" He demanded, I could hear his alpha voice mixed in with it.


Jake was going to have to tell him.

Sam was gunna hate damen.

I could not do that to there relationship. I couldnt even do it to Damens relationship with Anna.

No matter how bad I loved and wanted him.

I continued to listen to there conversation and more importatly to Jake's answer.

"Look Sam....." He started but was interrupted.

"NO, Jake you look, I want a straight answer and I want that answer right god damn now, do you understand me?" Sams Aplha tone was increased and I knew Jake had to tell him. He didnt have a choice.

"Sam, Kara found her mate exactly 1 year ago, when she told him, he knew as well, but he rejected her for another and it crushed her. It has contnued to crush her since then, because she has to see him. It's why she keeps asking to leave." He said sadly.

I heard a low growl which escalated to snarls.

My brother was furious.

I heard footsteps and a hand on my cheek.

" Baby sis, I need you to wake up for me, please," there were tears in his voice. I struggled to regain my eyes, I felt them flutter gently, I coughed in a seizing fit, finally waking up, my throat ached and my stomach clenched.

"W...water," I croaked

Jake ran out of the room and was back in seconds with a glass of water. He handed it to sam and then I felt the cool liquad on my tounge. I gulped it down, glad I felt my stomach relax.

Sam had tears in his eyes, threating to fall.

"why didnt you tell me Kay, I'm your big brother. I could protect you, beat the crap outta your stupid mate. You should never ever go through that pain without family. Why didnt you tell me?" His tears started to fall and I felt guilt. I felt awful.

I wiped his tears away, holding back my own I decided to tell him the truth.

"Sammy, I didnt tell you because I couldnt risk your friendship with him, because I love you too much too bear my pain with me. You wouldnt have been able to change his maind cause he loves this other girl more than the mating." We were both crying silently, I pulled him in for a hug and we both held tight to each other.

The whole pack walked in, including my parents and stared at us, worry coming from all of them.

Sam told them what had happened, damen was wide eyed and regret washed through his features, mama ran to me and held me tight and well dad's reaction was the same as Sammy's.

He was absolutely furious.

Guess my secret is finally out. and no one was happy. 

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