Chapter 17: Keeping a Clear Mind

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There is only like 2 more chapters in this story, sorry for taking so long, but I was busy, Holidays and all? Bahaha, well I hope you enjoy this chapter:)

<3 Kyarnii


I am Sorry Adrian Fans, I have been suffering writers block and I just really needed this to happen in the story, sorry if you don't like it. Also, if you cry I am sorry because I also cried while writing this chapter, like a baby;( I will be uploading the epilogue tonight as well.



Kara's POV

"I just, I was with Damon, I remember that and then there were 2? figures that walked into the clearig while we were talking and they knocked out Damo---Wait is he okay?" I asked a little frantically. I don't know why but I was so worried about him.

"he is fine love, I promise, he will be fine, would...would you like to see him Kara?" Adrian asked slowly, as if needing me to see him.

I shook my head, "I shouldn'--"

"Damon, you can come in!" Adrian shouted.

Slowly I watched as Damon poked his head in, walking slowly over to my bed, I gasped when I saw him, not realising how much I needed to see him and know he was okay, he smiled weakly at me, "hey," he whispered, coming closer to press our forheads together gently, cupping my face.

"hey," I breathed out, unbelieveably happy to see him.

I looked around to see that Adrian had already left the room, I silently thanked his kindness, here was my boyfriend, letting me speak to my mate.


"hey, hey, hey, shhh, your alright, it wasn't your fault Damon, don't even think of blaming yourself, we were out numbered, I'm not hurt, I can stand and walk, I am fine and even if I wasn't it would never be your fault," I whispered.

"I..I should have been stronger for you, I should have been more Kara,"

"No, I feel what you feel Damon, don't be feeling that, ever, you don't have to, because I am here for you no matter what," I whispered, kissing his tear stained cheek.

"Kara, I am sorry for eveything and I want you to know that Anna left, I told her I wouldn't be demamded around by anybody anymore and she left," he chuckled, without good humor

My breath caught, I was about to say something when Adrian burst into the room, "Rogues! There are rogues barging through the border, an army of them, the fighters have gone out but there numbers are growing, we need to get out there now, we can take them down, with two packs, But Damon, first take Kara to the safe quarters for females," Adrian demanded.

I was shocked when Damon picked me up running to a location i had never heard of, he got down there in seconds and was putting me on my feet and kissing my head, "Kara stay here we will come and get you when the fight is over and everything is safe I promise just stay," he begged before flitting away.

I was terrified and they had me sitting down, my adrenaline running high from the attack, I needed to be out there I had to be, but there were three male weres guarding the door, making sure no one could get out or in

I was crying, What if something happened to Adrian? I didn't even get to say goodbye, What if something happened to Damon though? could I live without my mate? even if Adrian was there?

I would still be an empty sheell, filled with loss, but I would feel this way if Adrian dies? I had to get out there.

The minutes ticked by slowly, when i thought it had only been one minute it had actually been thirty, I was gasping, as if I needed to fight, my wolf whimperering, i had had enough.

I got up, walking to the door, but of course as suspected the guard stepped in my way, I looked him in the eye, "Move." I said in my Alpha voice, I may not be Alpha, but I was the sister and daughter of two, I could see they struggled not to obey, I tried again.

"Move. Now."

They winced as my tone gre angrier, and I saw there knee'es wobble.




"Move. Out. Of. My. Way. Now!" i demanded and I could see the power and order in there eyes, but my command overruled it, the hesitantly moved out of my way and I opened all the locks, barging out the door, running in the direction Damon came and out onto the forst or battle field.

I gasped at the scene before me.***PLAY SONG HERE***

Body parts and people layed dead or dying on the ground, wolves fighting for domincece right infront of my eyes, I ran as fast as I could, inhaling the scent of my mate and Adrian, they seemed to be in the same place, I followed it, staying behind tree's not to be seen.

I kept running until i got to a clearing and saw Adrian fighting the Alpha Rogue and Damon fighting along side Kendal, Kendal dominating, with damon, I saw no trace fo the woman thought, Lorina.

I was about to help when I saw Adrian swipe at the rogue leader, severing his head clean off with one paw, he stared down at the remanes as Damon and Alpha Kendall Joined him, but in that one moment when they turned there backs, hell happened.

It was like slow motion.

Lorina scrreched, dashing out of the woods, grabbing at Adrians throst, I saw the second her claws dugg into his throat, deep and a kill strike, I cried out before Damon and Kendal took down lorina, killing her.

I ran over to a shocked Damon, crashing down on the ground beside Adrian. His throat was bleeding perfusly, gaskly claw marks in him, he was gasping and tears rolled down his cheeks, "Adrian? Adrian please dont die okay? Please? I can't go on with out you Please?" i cried into his chest, looking at his face, his life draining from him, I cried.

The last words I heard from his choking throat were my undoing.

"Be..." he started quietly, i lent in.

"What is it Adrian?" I sobbed

"Beee....Happy..damon," he gasped before he let out one ast shuttering breath and his body became limp in my arms, I put my head on his chest, crying out my pain and heart.

The one person who had ever cared for me was now gone.

I felt a pair of arms lift me before my head was on there shoulders, I gripped on, I couldn't find myself, I held on to Damon to find who I was, Who I wanted to be, My future.

I cried into his chest, gasping for much needed breath I needed to be away from here, and I think he snsed it, he put me down and I shifted into my wolf, he ran beside me as I ran from the scene, from the one good thing, from the smell, as I ran from the pain.

I stopped when I couldnt breath anymore.

I stopped and I howled, I howled for my loss and for my pain. I howled for the spirits I howled for him to be happy, and I finally shifted back, crying into a human shoulder, Damon.

he gripped me tighter and I could feel him crying to, crying for me and crying for a comrad.

"Damon, I can't....I can't...I.."I choked off sobbing into him, and I needed it, I cried with him there, i cried for him, I cried for Adrian, and I found myself again.

I found who i had to be. Who Adrian wanted me to be, who he was proud of me for being.

My Name is Kara May, I found My love, Lost it to another, I found another Love and I lost him to. I grieved for him, I Loved him, He will forever be with ,me, watching over me, be my protecter, a protector to my children, but also, the light that led me to forgive my firt love, and move on.

The moral to my story? Never Give Up.

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