PROLOGUE: mind games

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-The other mother, that's where it started... Or I guess you could say that's where it ended. Me and my family moved to the palace say some 4 to 5 years ago. I was sad to leave my home, my friends, my old school. I was starting somewhere new.... And I didn't exactly like it at first.

(What didn't you like about it?)

-Well it reeked for starter. The place was old and looked broken down, like moving into a haunted house with none of the fun.


Yah you know, exploring, adventure, mystery, and terror.

(Would you say you like watching a lot of "scary" movies?)

-Your missing the point.

(And what is the point?)

-Look I'm Ganna make this short so I could go faster. I found a door in the spare living room. It was small and at day time it was boarded up by bricks. But during the night it would open up into a portal to a better world, one where anything can happen and all your dreams came true.

(And would you say you wished a world like that existed?)

-Let me finish...

(Alright. Continue.)

-That's what I thought about it in the beginning. A world with a better family run by the other mother.

(The other mother?)

-The beldam. She's the one who made the other world. She gave me everything that I could ever wish for. And like a fool I kept coming back. I should have known...

(What do you mean when you say like a fool?)

-Well... You can't get something for nothing, to put it bluntly. She said she loved me. And then, she offered me a home. She offered me to stay.

(And you took that offer?)

-Oh hell no. You see there was a bit of a... Catch. If I wanted to stay.

(You mean like payment of some kind?)

-Well.... Sort of. She said that I could stay but in return I had to let her sew buttons into my eyes.


-Yah like the ones she had for eyes.

(.....well you don't seem to have buttons for eyes.)

-I refused. And that's when she showed her true colors.

(You mean she changed?)

-Yah and for the worst. She locked me up. That's where I met the ghost kids.

(And these ghosts... What did they look like?)

-Well like ghosts obviously. Anyways, they warned me about the beldams true intentions. She wanted to eat me and steal away my soul.

(You mean this person you met was a canibol!?)

-She wasn't human. So I guess technically no. It doesn't matter anyways. I ended up escaping and freed the ghost children. And then I locked up the portal. Permanently.

(So no more scary ghosts and canibol  women?)

-First of all the ghosts weren't scary. They helped me. If anything, I owe them my life. As for the beldam.... She wasn't finished yet. The ghosts had one more warning for me. They said that as long as the key existed the beldam would find a way to return and get me.

(And where is the key now?)

At the bottom of the well.

(And what do you mean the... Women wasn't finished yet?)

-She sent her hand after me.

(Her hand?!)

-Yah, a long robotic like hand that was somehow sentient. It came to collect me and the key. It grabbed me from the key around my neck and was dragging me away. I could feel the strangling around my neck and if it wasn't for whybe on his bike, I would have probably passed out. And the beldam would have taken me away.

(This whybe kid.... He saw this mechanical hand you say?)

-Not only did he saw it he was the one to destroy it. I don't think he still fully believes me either, but at least he saw the hand.

(Umhmmm.... Have you told him this story too?)

-Sort of. I told him bits and pieces. But afterwards he just called me crazy and ran away.

(Do you believe your crazy?)


(Do you believe that everything you told me today actually happened?)


(I believe we've reached the end of our session. Please see yourself out and go meet back with your parents...)


-My name is CORALINE. A couple years ago something terrifying happened to me. I was almost kidnapped. But not by a human. But by a monster. I told everyone about it afterwards. But no one believed me. They still think I'm insane. Now I see a psychiatrist 3 times a week. I was deemed legally insane by the hospital even though I still feel completely fine. But now no one wants to even come near me. My school mates all criticize and bully me and the only one who still talks to me is whybe. At least he knows the truth. The cat still visits me at my windowsill but I'm not allowed out of the house past 5:00. Life sucks here in the pink palace. And what makes things worse is that the doctors recommended that to get rid of my "silly ungrounded fear" of the little door in the spare living room, my parents should move my room to the living room with the little door. (Prolong exposure therapy) I think they called it. Heh. No wonder I still have nightmares... If anything I've been sleeping less and less as of lately. During the nights I can hear someone or something singing me a lullaby to sleep. In fact, I used to wake up to it in the middle of the night. Terrifying. I used to wake up and creep past the little door. I would leave and find my way to my parents room. And I would sleep with them for the night, using the old "I had a bad dream" excuse. After a while though... My mom got in the habit of locking the door while I slept. And she didn't tell me. I found it out myself though. When I woke up like usual and tried to leave. Only to find that the door was locked. I was forced to take the walk of shame back to my bed... Past the little door. Eventually falling asleep. But last night. When I heard the singing again, I could feel something softly brushing my hair. Needless to say I didn't dare wake up. And I fell back to sleep again. Today I'm Ganna tell whybe that I think the beldam is back. And this time... She's in our world.

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