Chapter 2: the beldams return

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MOM- coraline these dreams of yours are getting out of hand. Don't you think it's time to let these silly fears of yours go. We're really starting to worry about you.

DAD- your mothers right bucko. Maybe it's time to let that little dreamer of yours go for good.

C- ...

MOM- coraline your not listening to us! "Sigh" I think it's best you go back to your room early today. With no supper!

C- but mom that's not fair! You guys are my parents, your supposed to support me in my time of need! Not send me off back to the spiders den as some sort of human sacrifice!

MOM- coraline that's enough out of you, your already giving me a migraine! A HUGE MIGRAINE!


MOM- then go! Just.... Just leave. Please. (Mother starts to sob)

DAD- (looks really disappointed and sad at coraline) bucko please. Show your mother some respect.

-"grunt!" I pushed the chair out of the way, and slammed the door so hard it could be heard as an echo throughout the entire house. I stomped my way to the stairs and stopped at the edge. I sat down and started to listen...
MOM- what are we going to do with her now. She's not getting better and the doctors visits alone are costing us a fortune we can't pay. Maybe it'd be best if...
DAD- I know it's been hard on you but... Look we talked about this last night. We're not going to send coraline away.
MOM- but that THING is not my daughter! Not our daughter. She's different, she's become a menace to society, she's even legally classified as a mental patient. I don't know how much of this I can take.
DAD- it's going to be alright dear, she'll get better.
MOM- look, the doctor gave me this brochure on a really nice place that accepts kids like coraline. It has nice food, nice people, and best of all it'll be cheaper and easier on us....
- I had stopped listening to them after that. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks like a raging waterfall. But I didn't dare cry, not here. I ran up the stairs as fast as my stubby legs could carry me. I was heart broken. They.... They didn't love me anymore. They were talking about sending me away, probably to some kid mental asylum... I slammed the door behind me. Immediately dropping to the floor and bawling my eyes out. Man I was starving too. I've been getting less and less food everyday as it was replaced by scrums and medicine and those special doctors brews they give you in the hospital. I had a huge headache, and all I wanted now was some comfort.
???- hmmmhmmm mmmmhmmm
Hmmmhmmm lad da da da da....
- I felt something brushing my hair, while I sat there bawling my eyes out. I didn't dare look up, I knew who it was already. But I also didn't pull away. I just sat there sobbing while she sang her sweet lullaby to me. And eventually I fell asleep.


- I woke up in the middle of the night at my bed. Tucked in tight and in my pajamas. I didn't bother checking the door, I knew that my mom had already locked it. If I can even call her that. In a few days maybe, I'll never see her again. Like I should care, they don't want me. god I was so hungry. I stayed up at night staring up at the sealing. No singing. No humming. No nothing. "I know your there! Come out already!" Quiet. I knew she was there. I knew she was watching me. Studying me. "Grrrmmmmgrrr." I heard my stomach growling roughly. "Ugh I'm starving." Heh, maybe she'll take pity on me and give me something to hold over... Not likely coraline johns..... Coraline...... Not johns. I passed out.


- I woke up midday the next morning feeling the most sick I've ever felt. I had a headache and was starving and I could have sworn I smelled food..... I did smell food. I got up to find a plate of pancakes on my bed. Syrup. Apple juice. Scrambled eggs. Bacon. She's here.

Beldam- "giggle" you know darling, if you needed something to eat you could have just asked. I'm always here for you.

- there she was. Sitting on the couch staring directly at me with her deep black button eyes. Waiting....

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