Chapter Five

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Hey guys! Sorry I havent updated since like Saturday. Here is chapter 5!

Chapter 5

Selena's POV

"So do you have any celebrity crushes?" Ellen asks. It was a day after the amusement park date with Harry. It was so much fun. But he had to fly back to London for personal reasons but he will be back in a couple of days. Today I am on the Ellen Show. And let me tell you, I love her. She is so funny but yet she can be serious at times. It was towards the end of the interview and after this I am going to a photo shoot then a red carpet.

"I don't really know.." I but my lip. There's so many but obviously its Harry but I don't really know. Should I say Harry? Or maybe like Zac Efron.. Everyone likes him right?

"Well I heard the band One Direction are in town like any of them?" She asks curiously. Does she know? "I can hook you up with one of them." She said while winking. The audience cracked up and so did I.

"I think that Harry fella is sort of cute" I said while blushing

"Sort of? Hes HOT" She shouted

"Yeah he is haha" I said while blushing deeper.

"Would you ever date someone in the business?" She asked getting serious again

"Yeah I probably would because they would understand like paparazzi and my busy schedule but also I would consider date a regular guy or a fan because I think that it would be interesting and I would risk it." I said

"But with fans they might not like you for you, because you're Selena Gomez" She puts it.

"Right, I'm happy being single but I think that whatever happens will happen."

"That good. Sorry we have to end this but that's all the time we have with the wonderful Selena Gomez everybody!" We stood up and hugged and I waved to the audience before walking off.


Harry's POV

I just finished watching the Ellen Show and guess what?! My crush Selena was on it! She looked so beautiful. Ellen was hilarious as usual and Selena was so adorable. Especially when she blushed when Ellen mentioned my name. Glad I know she thinks im cute!! Or did she just pick me out of the One Direction question because of the 2 dates? Maybe she didnt want me to feel bad if I was watching. Does she actually think that im cute? We have only been on two dates. Should I ask her to be my official girlfriend or is it too soon? Shesaid she was happy being single but was just for the interview?

"What are you thinking about Harry?" My mother asks concerned. She and Gemma walked into the living room as I shut the t.v. off. I flew back home because I wanted to see my family again.

"Just.. nothing." I said.

"Whats her name?" My sister Gemma asks. How does she know? Like she can read my mind "I know because you have the look on your face like you either miss her, or you really like her you just don't know how to talk to her" She smiled and my mother looked impressed. I opened up and told them everything. From the moment I first saw her to the final time I talked to her.

"I think you should fly back tomorrow and then take her on your 3rd date and ask her when shes ready to be your girlfriend" My mom said

"Yeah, make sure to tell her that she doesn't have to rush into things she doesn't what to feel pressured." Gemma puts in. They continued to help me and I took mental notes of everything they said. Lets just hope it goes as planned.

(was gonna end it there but i didn't. fuck having writers block. sigh. I'm just gonna wing it 'k?)


Selena POV:

I smile as I read the text message from Harry. Hes taking me out on a date tomorrow and we are going to walk around L.A. and go to the park. Does this mean we are dating? I mean the texts were sort of flirting? ugh. As I walk out of the brick building I bump into someone causing my purse to fall on the ground.

"I'm so sorry lovey" A British accent says. I know its not Harry's but it seems very similar.

"No it was my fault!" I pick up my purse and I see a bunch of paparazzi come shouting my name. I look back at the boy and see him putting a hat and sunglasses on and he looks the other way. Weird. The paparazzi start to shout my name. "Sorry I gotta go." I said

I walk fast to avoid paparazzi but it was to late. In a matter of second they surround me. I try my best to get to my car. When I have the key in the ignition I back up and speed away not caring if I ran over any ones foot or not.

So much for writing more haha sorry guys! I tried to make it as long as possible!!! Hope you like it I will writing the next chapter now and hopefully get it up!



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