Ch. 7: Changing Sides

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I was walking to PE when Luke blocked my way. ''Hey, I was wondering if you were free tonight.'' he said with that charming smile of his. I nodded at him, unable to speak a word. Weird effect he had on me, that might have been the thousandth time I admitted to myself. What scared me the most was the fact that I was becoming less like myself. Perhaps that has happened in every romance, right? It was probably a change for the better. Right? Even though I agreed with these I couldn't bring admit that there was a part of me that thought otherwise. Really Annabeth? Is this you? A girly girl who blushes like crazy. No, this is what he wants, not what you want. Remember when you said that you didn't want anything to do with boys? Might not, you're heads probably full of crap you read from all of the romance novels of yours. A part of me thought. Yeah, I've changed but what's so wrong about having a little crush. Also... who knows maybe something will happen like in the novels. The bell woke me up from my thoughts and I realised that I'd been standing in the same spot for over three minutes. Luke was long gone. I pushed the thoughts out of my head and went to change for PE.

In PE they made us play tennis with our partner. I got partnered up with this girl named Piper. She was super nice and we laughed all lesson, we were both horrible at tennis. It felt like a breather from the outside world. We talked about how we were obsessed with Friends. When the lesson was about to end, (3 minutes to be exact) this guy with blonde hair and electric blue eyes came towards us with a smirk on his face. ''Shit.'' I heard Piper say under her breath. ''Hey Pipes!'' the guy said. I smiled at him. This should be one of Piper's friends. ''Go away Jason. Leave me the fuck alone.'' Or not. ''What's wrong Pipes? Didn't you miss me?'' He said with a grin. ''Not in the slightest no.'' Piper said. Even though I've just met her I could tell that she was trying to keep her cool.

''Stop pretending.''

''That I like you?''

''No, we all know you want me.''

''I so do not Jason.''

''You so do.''

''You wish.''

''There are many more things I could wish from you.'' Jason said wiggling his eyebrows. Piper made a gagging noise in response. Me? I just stood there, amazed, watching them. There was an awkward silence. ''Umm...'' that's when Jason noticed me. ''Dayumm blondie...'' he said to me. ''Don't you dare flirt.'' I said cutting him off, for somehow angry. I had every right to be, I was dating Luke. He looked taken aback by my comeback. ''Heyyy calm down blondie.'' he said, holding up his hands in response.

Piper just rolled her eyes. ''Jason just leave us alone.'' He shook his head. ''No.'' Piper sighed, I can tell she was growing impatient. The bell rang, letting us know that the lesson was over.

''Okay let's go.'' I said as Piper tried to get out, but Jason blocked her. ''You go ahead blondie, we'll just be there in a sec.'' he said smirking and not leaving his eyes off Piper's for even a second. I looked at Piper. She was pleading me not to go. I could see the desperation in her eyes. Jason was about to do something -which I'm sure Piper wouldn't be happy with- when Coach called us. ''Hey you three! Get out! I'm gonna go eat, and I cant wait for you three!'' Then he saw me and added, ''You blonde one, Annabeth I think? I need to talk to you.'' Piper and Jason walked out of the gym as I approached Coach. ''I think you'd be great for out volleyball or track team, huh?'' I nodded. '' I was thinking about it, but I need to get ahead my classes first.'' I said. He made me run 100 m before I went to change, just to see my endurance. After he was sure I'd be a great edition, he let me go and get changed. Our long break had started 5 minutes ago, no one was left in the girl's changing room. The only voice I heard was Coach yelling to someone. I changed from my sweats and was about to put a shirt on when the door busted open. I shouted, well tried. but I was so in shock I had no idea how. Standing in front of me was half-naked Percy, with water dripping his sixpacks. I'm sure I Iooked shocked but I could be no where near as Percy. He looked like his eyeballs were about to pop out of their place. As soon as I saw what he was looking at, I tried to cover myself. I tried to grab a shirt and cover my body, especially the top part, which was -sadly- only covered with a bra. ''Get out!'' I yelled at him. He did, but not before eyeing me one last time. I was so in shock I just stood there until I heard the bell. Great! An annoying ass has seen me in my bra and now I was late to math.

I'm pretty good at math and currently on good terms with the teacher, so she didn't get mad when I was late for about 5 minutes. I'm currently in the last 5 minutes of biology, the teacher told us that we were free. I asked if I could be excused to go to the library. She let me go. I packed my stuff and literally ran to the library. On my way there I saw one person that I wanted to avoid for the rest of my life, Percy Jackson. He grinned at me, probably thinking about what happened earlier today. I found myself starting to get red out of embarrassment. ''Hey girl with damn tit—'' I couldn't hear the rest since I gasped way too loudly that was even possible for any human being. Not only at what he was about to say, but also at the huge hickey on his neck. I ran. I ran to the library. Why? Good question. I asked myself a lot. Why had him having a hickey effect me like this? Maybe shock? Maybe... jealousy? NO! NO! NO WAY! I was not jealous of whoever did that to him. Simply, maybe, jealous that I had no capacity like that. Oh my! What am I even thinking about?! I got into the library burying myself to the book I randomly picked. I was too embarrassed to do anything else. Too embarrassed to think about what had happened earlier today. Too embarrassed at what Percy was about to say. Too embarrassed that I almost thought I was jealous.

You want to learn a weird thing? Okay, that was such a weird sentence it might be enough to give someone anxiety. Also why do I keep saying weird? Today must not be my day. The weird thing I was talking about was that I haven't seen Drew in a week. I don't know how. She's usually always around. The only time I saw her was like 6 days or so ago. She looked really pleased with herself for some reason, I didn't have time to ask. Now it's a few minutes before lunch, I need to find Drew. I've been like a lost puppy all week. I hate that I'm connected to her like this. Ugh, what am I even thinking? The teacher's still talking, I don't want to miss anything. But who am I kidding, this is math and I already know the program for the next 5 weeks.

As soon as the bell rings, the school literally turns into a zoo. I don't want to go to the cafeteria

right now, it'll be too crowded. So I walk around for I while before heading to the cafeteria. As soon as I walk in the cafeteria, I see Drew. Sitting at the spot which she avoided for over a week. She's there with the rest of the girls. They seem really happy. A laughter explodes as I approach the table. I look at them weirdly, but none of them care enough to explain. Just when I'm about to ask why, and probably ruin their fun, my phone beeps. So as everyone else's. I look around, before opening that text. It's from Drew. A link. Scared, I click on it. Then it starts. I hope it didn't It's two people kissing. Oh but that's not it. As the video continues, you realise that its Percy and Drew in a a closet. Somehow, I know this video was new, this wasn't a video taken when they were still dating. It can also be realised by the look on Percy's face and Drew's satisfaction. Rachel gasps loudly when she realises it as well.Everyone stares at her, expecting a dramatic scene, needless to say they enjoyed themselves. ''Percy? Wha- No way... Is it... Percy?!'' He just nods. He doesn't look sad or embarrassed for a guy who was just caught cheating on his girlfriend. Then Rachel does something unexpected, she slaps Percy. She slaps him hard. With tears rushing she runs out of the cafeteria. The look on her face makes me beyond angry. I stand still before I start shouting. ''What the heck Drew?!'' I can tell Drew was very much shocked. Her and everyone in the cafeteria. The puts on a daring look. ''Why would you do that to her? What is your problem?'' Drew tilts up her chin -she does this to feel more powerful than a person- as she walks towards me. ''What, you're gonna tell me what to do now?'' she asks, she tries a fearless tone but fails. ''Well, I have to don't I? Since your brain isn't capable of that.'' She grits her teeth. ''Shut up before I destroy you.'' I take a step towards her, daringly.''You can't do a thing to me Drew.''

''Really? I bet Rachel would say otherwise.''

'You're sick Drew. Someone should really teach you a lesson.'' She laughs real hard at that one.

''So little Annie here decided to be a hero didn't she?'' she asks, mocking me. At this point everyone in the cafeteria was silent as they listened to us. ''Yeah, and my fist act as the school hero would be this.'' I say and slap her. I walk out of the cafeteria, leaving all of the shocked looks behind.


Yes, I know I haven't uploaded in forever. Please don't hate me. You probably do anyway. Don't worry time of Percabeth shall come soon. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.

VLove, one-crazy-girl

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