Ch. 1: Back to New York

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-Annabeth's POV-


''Oh ,come on Wise Girl, no need to be scared! Jump in the water, it's not that cold.'' said the boy with green eyes. ''Easy for you to say Seaweed Brain, you basically live in the water.'' Said a blonde girl. The boy rolled his eyes. He pretended to swim away. Sthe girl grinned knowing that she won the argument. But then the boy dissapeared underwater. The girl panicked. Then he rose from the water before she could do anything the boy splashed her with ice cold water. The girl just stood there, shocked, before running after the boy.

''Annabeth! Annabeth! Annabeth!'' I woke up. ''Annabeth! Wake up.'' I opened my eyes. I met my dad's worried eyes. I seriously didn't need him to be sorry right now. Not after what he had done. Not after he fell in love with her. Not after he betrayed my mother.

I looked down. There was a book resting on my legs. One of the best book series of all time. Peter Johnson and the Olympians. I love him. If he was real I'd probably marry him. No wait, that's ruinig my otp. ''We will be landing in 15 minuters. Please close any electronic devices.'' the captain announced. I didn't need to do that because I never opended anything in the first place. I guess I just fell asleep. I leaned back. Trying to forget that I was moving back to New York after 4 years in San Fransisco. Were moving back to the house we used to live years ago, I don't remember a lot.

We parked near an apartement painted in a pastel green shade. We didn't talk at all as we walked up the stairs. I wasn't in the mood for talking, nor was he. He opened the door. I walked around a bit. Nothing had changed. Not even a single bit. Everything was the same as the day we left. Dad looked at me. ''Annabeth, I know this house has memories but this is our only choice for now.'' I nodded. I actually didn't mind it at all. This place made me feel close to my mother. It had memories of our happy times. I walked into my old room. A grey painted wall, still there. My old library, still there. My old desk, still there. Exactly the same.

After cleaning the room and reorganizing it a bit I was tired. I was going to take a nap when I saw the light swich on right next to my window. I walked towards it and looked out. I met a pair of sea green eyes. I gasped and backed away from the window. I tripped on something and fell. I remember those eyes. They look very similar. I wished that I could just stare into those beautiful eyes forever. Wait! No! Bad Annabeth! You moved here for your education not to be in the middle of some high school drama. Snap out of it! I might be hearing voices. I msut be really tired. I should go to bed. And I did just that.

I woke up and looked at the mirror. Oh just as beautiful as always! I had morning breath and my hair looked like a birds nest. Perfect. Just perfect. I went to the bathroom and tried to make myself not like a mess. Kind of failed. I put on dark blue jeans and a shirt. I went downstairs. Made myself breakfast AKA cereal. I ate quickly and ran out. I didn't want to be late for the first day of school.

I went and got my schedule. I had homeroom with Ms. Lonesburg. I walked in and sat at the second line. Why? No idea. I saw some girls walking towars me. They looked like the Plastics in Mean Girls. The one in the middle flashed me a smile. You could tell it wasn't genuine. They all were pretty but they had a fake beauty. They all looked like the Barbie collection in the comercials. ''Oh hey newbie!'' the one in the middle started. ''Oh I love your hair! Welcome to GHS. You look lost. Here I'll help. I'm Drew. You are?'' she seemed nice. I felt ashamed because ı juged her by her looks. I smiled at her. ''Annabeth. I just moved here from San Fransisco.'' She smiled back. ''See. It's not that hard. You made a friend already.'' When the deacher entered everyone sat down. ''Hi class! My name is Ms. Lonesburg. Welcome to your sophmore year of Goode High School.'' Then she started reading the names. I put up my hand like everyone else when she read my name. The bell rang ,telling it was time for the next lesson. I quickly walked out of the classroom so I wouldn't be late to Math. As I was, I ran into a boy. ''Woah, there!'' he said. ''Watch where you're going, princess.'' I blushed. I mean he was hot. ''I've never seen you here.'' A: ''I'm Annabeth. I moved here from San Fransisco. And you are...'' L: ''Luke.'' I nodded. He gave me one of those troublemaker smiles. He had sandy blonde hair and amazing blue eyes. He was tan he had a surfer's body. The only thing that kept him from being perfect was his scar from his forehead to his cheek. ''Well, I'll see you around Annie.'' I would have been mad at anyone who called me Annie. But to be honest I was too mesmerised by him. Luckily the bell woke me up. I ran to math. I made it by a second.

''Class, I'm Ms. Doods, your math teacher. For this year you will need-'' The door came flying open. A guy with black hair entered the class. He sat down like this was a normal thing to do. He sat down, right in front of me. Obviously the teacher was angry. ''Mr. Jackson care to explain why you are late?'' she asked. He acted like he was deep in thoght. ''No.'' Then Ms.Doods somehow managed to stay calm. For the rest of the lesson we answered the problems written on the board.

Lunch time. I am so hungry and ready to eat. ''Hey Annie!'' I heard a girly voice behind me. I turned around. I saw Drew waving at me to come sit with them. There were some boys and some girls, most of them I didn't know. I only knew Drew and Luke. ''Oh, these are Cathy, Jess, James and- Oh hi Percy!'' The last part was way too flirtatius. '' Hi Drew'' he replied back, frowning. I couldn't remember his name. I just heard it but I forgot. He sat next to me. He kind of looked like the boy from the math class. Our arms were touching. That was untill Drew literally came in between us. ''So Percy how 'ya been?'' she asked, flirting. ''I'm good. How are you little innocent Drew?'' he replied sarcastically. Drew frowned at his answer. I couldn't help but chuckle. He turned toward me and I met his eyes. I gasped.

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