Ch. 10: This is my life.

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-Percy's POV-

I went back to school in waterproof full-body make-up to cover up my scars which were left from last night. The night I cowardly ran out. To not see my mother cry. I hate myself for it. I shouldn't have listened to mom when she begged me to go out. I should've stayed in. That's why I am standing in front of the candy shop, waiting mom to arrive. Her shift started 20 minutes ago and she still isn't here what if she doesn't show up at all? Why wouldn't she? I swear if Gabe hurt her that much I will beat him to death.

I am about to run back out and beat the shit out of Gabe when I hear her.


And all is good again.

"Mom where have you been? How bad did he hurt you? I will kill him. He doesn't even deserve your toenail. I will kill him."

"Calm down, Percy. It's okay."

"No mom, it isn't. Having a picnic on a sunny Sunday is okay. This, however, is very far from okay!"

I shout. I'm panting. I get so worked up every single time I go home. If it can be considered as a 'home'. Every time I go back, I think that it is the day I> will put an end to all of this torture. Every time I end up the same.

"Just leave it Percy. It would hurt me more, if I saw you getting hurt. You're okay aren't you?

"Mom, I'm okay. I can handle it. But you..."

"Hey, I'm not some porcelain doll, I too can handle it okay? Now promise me not to lose your temper."

"Yes, mom."

"Good. Wait. Don't you have school?"

"I was hoping that wouldn't be an issue."

"Perseus Jackson, you get your butt to school as fast as you can or no cookies."

I gasp. She just hit the soft spot.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me." She says smirking. I took off running after that.

I will never ever give up my cookies.

I walked in when it was break time, so I had no trouble blending in. Nearly no time passed before somebody -that somebody being Leo- found me.

''Have you ever talked to Drew since.. umm?''

''I made out with in the closet and the video leaked?''


''No. Well, I did see her but I have absolutely no desire to talk to her.''

''Do you think she still likes you?''

''What makes you say that?'' I asked sarcastically.

''Well because—''
''Yes. Leo. Dammit, yes. Unfortunately she still does.''
''Oh.'' he said, looking down, clearly disappointed. Hold up. Disappointed?

''Do you like Drew?'' His pupils became twice the size.
''Whaaaaat? Of course not.'' he said, scratching the back of his neck. re

''You're a terrible liar. Answer properly.''


''You can have her.''


''Yep, she's all yours. Got a great heart, that one.'' With that, I walked past a very shocked yet internally happy Leo. Why would he like Drew out of all people? Did she do some voodoo on him or something?

Just when I thought I was free, I locked eyes with Thalia. Before I could find an excuse or run away, she made her way over to me. She looked pretty intimidating with that thing around her eyes. Mascara? Foundation... Eyeliner! Yes, she had eyeliner thingy around her eyes.

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