Ch. 9: Percy-full Dreams

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-Annabeth's POV-

I walked towards Luke after the school ended. He -of course- looked charming as ever. 

"You ready babe?"

I felt giddy when he called me 'babe'. I never had a boyfriend. But Luke ... he was just perfect.

"You okay Annie?" I nodded. "More than okay." I said looking right into his blue eyes.He hooked his arm around mine, in a very old-fashioned way, and guided me to his car. He openned the radio, a rock song that I was unable to name started blarring. Luke looked at me and smirked. I was so confused. Did people ever listen to rock music on dates? Hesitant not to do something stupid, I just shout my mouth and sat. The date hasn't started the way I envisioned it, and I couldn't deny the disappointment I felt, no matter how hard I tried.

This is a date with Luke. Anyhting is perfect. I kept repeating to myself, hopeful that my disappointment would disappear.

"That was insane!" Luke said. "You scored like 25 points higher than me!"

"Well, it's physics. It's not so hard really, I --"

Luke had spontaniously decided to kiss me. I felt like smiling, yet held myself back. His mouth moved fast, almost as if he was in a rush. I tried to slow down our rythm, but he wouldn't back down. Just as I was about to give in, he slipped his hand into my pocket. I gasped and backed away. I could see he was confused, so was I. I never thought Luke would... It's not so unimaginable, I am his girlfriend, it's just that it was so unexpected, and I wasn't ready. 

"Annie, I-"

"It's okay, it's not as if you did something wrong I was just... shocked."

He nodded as I bowed my head down and got in the car. He opened the rock playlist like he had before, and once again we rode without a word to eachother. 

When we got to my house, Luke stepped out to open the door for me. See? He's a gentleman. I told myself. He held both my hand and kissed my forehand. " About earlier, I know I just lost it. It's just that you're so beautiful." he said, while looking deep into my eyes. Butterflies that must have been just waiting, flew around my stomach like a tornado. I just gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, but making sure not to linger. I turned back, smiling like an idiot and headed to the building door. "Goodnight princess."

"Goodnight Luke."

I rushed into our apartement and into my room. I started squeaking like a little girl. Luke said I was beauiful. 

I, Annabeth Chase was found beautiful by Luke freaking Castellan! 

I started taking deep breaths and then decided to take a shower to calm myself down.

Thanks to my shower, I was calmer. I took my phone to check the time and realised I had recieved a text from Rachel. 

R: Coffee after school tomorrow?

I repied with a quick yes before grabbing my favorite book and slipping under the covers.

Rachel and I had grown very close. It took me three months (since the school started) to finally find a real friend. Rachel is incredibly optimistic and also, talented. She is always there as a friend. She is especially very passionate about painting and hopes to have a future at it.

After staring at the ceiling for a minute or so, just to emotionally steady myself for a minute or so for what was about to come, I openned the marked page and let myself fall into the ficitional world. 

"Can you believe it?" said Peter, lookind dearly into Annabell's eyes. 

"How we were when we first met, and now..." he left the sentence unfinished to listen to her laugh.

"Music to my ears."  which then caused Annabell to hit him playfully. 

"Stop being so cheezy."

"You love it." he said grinning.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"No, I don't. But if you are so desparete for my attention you can act like it.'' she said playfully, her grin almost reaching her ears.

It was now Peter's turn to laugh. "I'm so lucky." This time, Annabell didn't protest. They sat looking at eachother's eyes. Green on grey. "You know that I am desperately in love with you, right?" Annabell said nothing as she only responded by kissing him. It was a slow but passionate kiss. They poured everything into it, the whole story. How it all started with incredible hate, which then blossommed into an undying love. Their kiss was just as pure as their love.

I closed the book and sighed. No matter how many times I read that scene, it still gives me goosebumps. Was it so wrong that I wished for a love like that? I closed my eyes and pictured them two kissing. How they moved in perfect synch, how Peter would smile against her lips. 


The romantic visual became unbearable as realisation hit me. The resemblance was undeniable. I quickly became Annabell and Peter suddenly became Percy. No matter how hard I tried to rid my mind of the visual, it was stuck. I showed my pillow to my face, for I was ashamed that I was even picturing such and event. I thought maybe I could escape the visual by sleeping. 

Boy, was I wrong. 

The scene from Peter Johnson was stuck in my mind and unfortunately was the content of my nightmare. What actually made it a nightmare was because it was Percy and me in slow motion. I couldn't even look at Percy without the scene spontaniously popping up in my head.Luke. Luke. Luke. Think about Luke. Luke. Luke. Luke Castellan. Castellan Luke. I was now repeating it with a melody. "Ouff!" I bump into someone and the next thing I know I'm on the ground with one person I've been trying to avoid and their arms are holding him up which are placed next to my head. And suddenly, I forgot to breathe. I probably looked like a fish out of water. But this so-called "breathing" becomes a very complex job when you're under a really good looking percy Jackson. Forget I ever thought that.

"Get off of me!" I yelled at him as I started to wiggle to get out of this 'cage' he had created. 

"I can't."

"What? You idiot, just move!" with that I threw myself to the side, trying to roll, and clashed into Percy's arm. This caused Percy to lose his balence and therefore... Yep, he fell on top of me. Buth this time, he was unable to hold himself up. It was then I realised that he was not the only one. There were more people on top, apparently it was a chain reaction. 

"You know, I don't think I am the idiot here, sice you are the one who was unable to realise I had two more people on top of me!"

"Can't... Breathe!" I was only able to get that out as I was physicaly unable to breathe. Percy quickly got off of me, and offered his hand to help me get up. Yet I dodged his and took Nico's. Percy wasted no time before turning around and walking away as if nothing had happened. 

"Good manners Jackson, could've said sorry you know!" I yelled behind his back. Even though I couldn't see his face, I could've sworn that he smirked. I stood there panting for a while, as my brain was unable to process what had just happenned, currently on overload. As the bell rang, I realised I was late for the last lesson. 

Rachel! I was going to have coffee with Rachel. She didn't need to know about what had just happened. I didn't want her to get the idea that I am into Percy. Not that I am, obviously.



It's the middle of the night (well at least it is here) but still!

I know this is a shorter chapter compared to others but... well, it just is. Hope you guys liked it, though.

Don't forget to vote,comment and share!

I'll see you guys in the next chapter

xx ocg

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