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'Ahhh I'm in London at last.' I shouted, head popped out of the sunroof while the taxi was travelling quite fast down the streets, giving me a rush.

'Sit down Emma.' Jessica laughed trying to pull my down my the legs, back into the taxi.

I started laughing and waving my hands around like a manic, gaining a couple of toots of other car horns and people waving back. 

I sat back down again in the taxi just as we pulled up outside the hotel we were staying in for a couple of nights till our apartment was ready on Tuesday and today was Saturday unfortunately ! 

Let me introduce myself,

My name's Emma Andrews and I'm 19 years old. I was born and raised in Cork, Ireland and I moved over to London with my bestfriend Jessie so we could both complete our degree in music to become a Music producer. I have blonde wavy hair that just comes past my shoulders, blue eyes and I'm small don't judge me, 5'6. Obsession with Ed sherran, Katy Perry and Taylor Swifts music, not her. My Mam lives back in cork and my Dad is in Australia, yes they are divorced. My dad is happily married again to another woman and my mam is currently pregnant and engaged! So that's really it. 


The lift dinged and we made our way over to my  hotel room.

The hotel was nothing really fancy really, just the basic because its hard to afford alot when you have to pay your university loan. 

I unlocked the door and through my luggage on the bed and collapsed on to the bed with tiredness. The flight was only a few hours, but I was wrecked from travelling all over.

I slipped off my denim jeans and t-shirt and pulled on sweats and a hollister hoodie. 

As soon as my head hit the pillow I feel sound asleep.

'I talk a lot of shit when I'm drinking baby-'

My eyes fluttered open and I grabbed my phone.

'Emma, I left about an hour ago and I'm away out shopping.' Jessica said down the phone.

'Thanks for bringing me like.' i said, my voice full of sarcasm.

'Sorry, I thought since you weren't answering the 4 phone calls I sent you and the 6 texts you were probably knocked out sleeping.'

'Well, you guess right. What time is it anyway?' I asked curiously.

'It's around 11, I won't be back until 4 or 5ish. Sorryyy again, I'll bring you back something nice ! love yaa bye.'

'Ok byee.' I said and hung up.

I yawn and streched out and decided to get up. I grabbed a towel and made my way over to the shower.


I dried myself and wrapped the towel around me and went out to decide what outfit to wear, because no hope was I for staying in this hotel all day.

I decided on a pair of skinny denim jeans,  a blue with daises crop top jumper and lemon yellow converses (attached on side).

I pulled my hair up into a pony tail with a plait coming around the side and applied some foundation, mascara and black eyeliner to highlight my blue eyes.

After I was finished I grabbed my iphone and put some money in my purse then grabbed my handbag and key card and made my way out of the room.

I turned around looking down at my phone reading all the messages from Jessica when I bumped into a hard chest.

I looked up and meet emerald green eyes staring down at me, with brown curls splashing over his forehead. he was gorgeous

'Sorry.' I said timidly backing away.

'It's fine. What's your name love?' He said looking down at me intimately.

'Emma. Emma Andrews. What's yours?' I replied back , trying to be a bit confident but to be honest his eyes were staring at me non-stop at it was scaring me.

'Harry, Harry styles.'

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