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"CC'mon Emma, hurry up! we don't want to be late!' Jessica shouted outside the bathroom.

'Eughhh I'm coming now! tell me again why you are dragging me to this stupid party again of people you just met?' I shouted while pulling out the plug of the GHD's (A'n they are straighteners)

'Cos we are trying to fit in and college parties seem to be the perfect way to mingle, so Zayn said.' Jessica explained to me.

'Whatever, and this guy Zayn you just met the other day shopping, how do you know he's not like a druggie or something else that we don't need to be mixing with?' I asked well shouted harshly because to be honest I'm not really a party person. I'm more of a stay-at-home-watch-movies person ! 

'He's really sweet, and caring and funny and-'

'Jessica I'm going to puke if you keep talking like that seriously, you might as well marry him and go make babies in happy do do land the way your talking.' I said, because if I heard anymore that mushy stuff I really did think I was going to puke. 

'Oh shut up! are you nearly done? I'm going to ring Zayn and tell him that we will be there in 15 minutes.' 

'Fine.' I replied looking myself in the mirror.

I decided on a little navy playsuit and a pair of orange heels. I wore my hair down straight, with my slightly long side fringe pined to the side. I put on minimal makeup and I mean minimal sticking to a bit of foundation and mascara and a tiny bit of black eyeliner. (attached at side)

I nodded in approval, I looked decent enough for a party that by the sound of it, was in a frat house, unfortunately !

I walked out the bathroom door and got my orange clutch bag. I threw my phone in to it and a £20 note. 

I saw Jessica out on the balcony still on the phone to who I assumed was Zayn. 

Me being as nosy as I am, I decided to ease drop.

'Yeah, I know. I still haven't told her.'

'Look I'll tell her now.'

'Right ok. Will be there in 10 minutes. I heard the bathroom door opening so she must be ready. bye babe.'

And with the reply she got she hung up.

I ran back to the other side of the room trying to be as causal as I could, which consisted me whistling and my hands behind my back.

Yes, I know what you're thinking but I'm a very bad lier as evident.

Jessica came out from the balcony again and closed the door.

'You know Emma, I know when you're lying. I know you we're eavesdropping on my conversation. Never mind the fact that I heard you and saw you out of the corner of my eye.' Jessica laughed.

'Eughh how did you know? anyway what's up with you having to tell me something?' I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

'I don't know how you're going to take this but anyway, there was a mix up with the dorms. I won't be sharing a dorm with you, that's where I was the other day, I didn't actually go shopping. I got a phone call explaining that there was a mix up with the dorm room mates and that either me or you had to go down and talk with the dorm manger. it turned out that I will actually be living in zayns house, with another boy and another girl. I'm sorry emma.' Jessica said, worry and hurt shown in her eyes.

'Why didn't you tell me? I mean, we are best friends, we share everything together and this was so important Jessica! I can't believe you didn't tell me!' I said quite harshly.

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