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'Hey Emma.' Niall says as I get into his car.

'Hey Niall.' I say smiling.

'You look nice.' Niall compliments, trying his best which is cute.

'Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself.' I say, looking at his black skinny jeans, white tight t-shirt and a sleeveless denim jacket.

After a few minutes of silent I decide to speak up,

'So, where are you taking me then?' I ask Niall curiously.

'I was thinking of going to the cinema or something then going for dinner?' Niall says while keeping his eyes on the road. 

'That sound's nice, what were you thinking of going to see?' I ask 

'Not sure, was thinking of a horror movie or something?' He says, smiling over in my direction.

'Yesss. I love scary movies, always up for a bit of a jump.' I say laughing.

'Hmm.. wish I could say the same.' Niall replies nervously chuckling.

'Jezz Niall you're starting to sound a bit of a scarey cat. I thought people with tattoos, piercings and who are part of a gang were supposed to have a bit more balls than you do.' I joke.

'I do't like to be put into that stereotype. I got these tattoos for different reasons, not just to let out anger.' Niall explains to me.

'Ohh right.' I say smiling, I was about to say something else when I hear my phone dinging signalling I have a new message. 

I look down and see it's harry.

Make sure not to let Niall finger you under the table babe.. you're mines

harry x

I think i'm going to be sick from reading that, and since when did I belong to somebody? Why do people like to put labels on other people?

'All right babe?' Niall asks, and I cringe at the word babe. It sounds sexy when Harry says it, but when other people say it, it doesn't sound right.

'umm.. yeah.' I lie, faking my best smile.

Niall turns up the radio and I suddenly recognize the song.. How to save a life, the fray.

'I love this song.' I laugh.

'It's alright.' Niall smiles back.

5 minutes later, we finally arrive at the cinema and decide on Carrie.

Niall jumps every time a scary bit comes up and I laugh everytime he does, earning me a dirty look from him which makes me laugh even more.

About half way through the film, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out ever so slightly too make sure that I don't get caught.

I look at the message,

I see you're having a good time, laughing at Niall. Remember what I said about dinner.

harry x

That creep must be stalking me or something. I pretend not to be affected by it, but inside my head, I'm having a constant battle of whether to turn around and look for Harry or not.

After the movies ends, Niall gets up and shakes his head. 'Thank God that's over. Never again.' Niall says, and I laugh. 

'Aww, was wittle niall scared?' I ask, joking about.

'No, I was not.' Niall says, putting on the most serious face that he could.

I laugh and we make our way back to the car.

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