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--Tuesday morning --

I made my way out of the hotel with suitcases trailing behind me. I saw the taxi waiting for me, pulling me towards Harry again.

Me and Jessica had already said goodbye an hour ago since she had to leave early , for a reason I'm not to sure of.

I greeted the taxi man and I got in taxi. I hoped the taxi drive would drag on since I didn't want to see Harry again but with my luck the dorm was only 15 minutes away from the hotel.

I took out my phone, to see there was a few new messages

Jessica - hey! Hope you and Harry are settling in well .. Don't get up to too much dirty stuff ;)x

Unknown - looking forward to seeing you again babe. H x

How the hell did harry get my number ? Creep.

The taxi pulled up outside the dorms unfortunately. I give the taxi man the money I owed and got the suitcases out of the boot.


I opened the door of the dorm and looked around.

Thank god harry wasn't here yet! I threw my stuff on my single bed and body slammed onto it.

I might have slept but I knew harry was coming in soon and who knows what he might do when I'm asleep. Pervert.

I started to unpack my bags when I heard the door opening and slamming shut. I took a deep breath and turned around trying to keep a very fake smile on my face.

His green eyes met mines and he smirked.

'Well, well Emma. Nice to see you again.' Harry said.

'I wish I could say the same, but I'm not a lier.' I commented and turned back to unpacking.

'I like 'em feisty.' Harry chuckled.

I huffed and opened the door of the wardrobe and put my stuff in.

I felt hot breath hit my neck as I closed the wardrobe again.

'And I like it rough to.' He whispered into my ear and which made me turn round and hit him in the chest.

'Harry, shut up.' I said trying to get away from him, squirming under his touch.

'Make me.' He smirked.

I've a fair idea how to, which involved smashing my lips onto his pretty hard but I'm not doing that, I have to learn how to control my emotions.

'There's alot of space for activities, you know?' Harry said looking around the room.

'Yeah, yeah.' I said swatting him away.

He laughed and got of me.

A silence filled the room, apart from the sound of Harry texting.

'You going out tonight?' Harry asked me.

'Nope.' I said, trying to sound the least interested, but infact the sound of going out with Harry sounded good I admitted to myself.

'Go on. You know you want to! There's a new club that has just opened about half an hour away from us. Jessica and the rest of the boys will be going!' Harry said looking up from his phone.

'No, I want to stay in. End of story.' I said sharply

'Whatever. Suit yourself.' He said and got up from the sofa and made his way over to the door going in to his small room and leaving me. May I point out that this dorm room is big. Thank god there is a wall that separates our 2 beds so I have a bit of privacy.


I heard the door slam shut, signaling there was somebody in my room. Probably harry coming back from his night out.

I heard some stumbling and then this room door shut.

It was quiet for about 2 minutes until I heard some groaning coming from the opposite side of the wall and 'fuck yes' and 'harder, harder!' Obviously he had some slut home with them and they were doing it , in the fucking room beside me. YUCK!

The noises increased, obviously their orgasams building so I shouted 'shut the fuck up. Some of us are trying to sleep.' Then it went quiet. Thank god.

I then heard some one running out and the door of the dorm room slamming shut.

'Sorry for keeping you awake. Some of us have needs that need fufilled. Harry said, chuckling and slamming shut the door of this room.

'I already hate you styles.' I whispered to nobody and with that, I slipped into blackness.

Promised I would be more frequent:)

Going to start diving into the plot over the next few chapters !

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