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Red- Taylor swift

Counting stars - one republic


I rest my head against Harry's shoulder, enjoying the moment. My eyes start to flutter close slightly , tiredness taking over me.

'Ding ding ding-' I hear my phone blasting out making me jump. I take it out and look at the caller id .. Alex. I completely forgot about him.

I hear harry grunting, signalling he saw who was calling me. I hit the accept button and put the phone to my ear.

'Hey Alex.' I say, faking the best cheerful tone that I can.

'Hey Emma.' Alex replies back.

'So what's up?'

'Nothing really. Just calling to see how you are ? And I have a surprise!' Alex beams, and I hope to god that it isn't that he's coming over . Please don't be that. But how bad is that ? Wishing my boyfriend isnt coming to visit me!

'Im good ! Tired though. What is it?' I reply. I see harry out of the corner of my eye rolling his eyes.

'Look outside your door.' Alex says.

I get up and make my cautiously over to the door, not too sure what to expect. I slightly open the door to reveal a smiley looking Alex.

My eyes widen and my mouth drops. Alex darts his eyes from me to behind me. He stares there for a few seconds , and then I turn around to see what he's looking at. shit . Harry.

---Harry's POV---

It annoys me so much, seeing her talking to Alex. Why can't it be like I make her smile like that, like he does. I mean I know that I'm not what she wants, but they say opposites attract?

I hear him saying that he has a surprise for her which makes me roll my eyes. The next thing I know Emma is getting up and making her way over to the door. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out, seeing that there is a new message from louis,

'get some yet mate?;)' I roll my eyes at the stupid text and I start to reply when I hear Emma say 'Alex' and i look up, that's when I saw him. shit. Emma turns around and her eyes widen even more, and her face turns pale as if she had just seen a ghost.

'who's that?' Alex says with a hint of disgust in his voice after a few seconds of silence.

'umm.. this is Harry..' Emma trails off looking at the ground. I chuckle slightly at her and look back up at the brown haired nerdy boy. Is it bad that I would love to beat him up like right now? I swallow my agression and force a small smile. I stand up and slip my phone into the back pocket of my black skinny jeans and make my way over to him.

'Emma, would you care to explain why this vulgar man is in your room?' Alex says looking me up and down, judging me obviously. God, if Emma wasn't here right at this very moment and I would have beat the shit out of him, that'l teach him not to judge me. how the fuck does he think he is.. the fucking queen of china? no because there isn't a queen of china.

'Alex, don't be so rude. This is Harry Styles and he is my room mate.' Emma delcares, flicking her gaze up towards me smiling.

'YOUR WHAT? Where's Jessica? i thought she was supposed to be your roomate!' Alex says raising his voice, getting annoyed evidently.

'Umm.. hello. nice to meet you too.' I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. If this little dick thinks he's for shouting at me or emma he's wrong.

Alex grunts and turns back to Emma.. so he wants to play it that way. fine it's on.

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