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(I couldn't resist uploading)


Monster - eminem 

Teenage dirtbag - one direction (cover)

Move- little mix


A week has passed since the heated activity happened , and in all honesty I'm craving more.

I really haven't seen a lot if Harry this past weeks, he's been out clubbing a lot and bringing home more girls when he comes home.

In other news, I went to the shop and bought a pair of ear plugs so I don't have to listen to their orgasms. Thank god.

I was so in a daydream that I didn't notice that I had bumped into something hard dropping all my books.

Not my day.

I looked up to meet a pair of sparkling blue eyes. Niall.

'Sorry.' I said while blushing

'Oh hey emma. It's fine.' Niall said smiling.

I bent down to pick up by books but I was stopped by Niall, 'here I'll them up.' He said smiling and had them all scooped up and back in my hands before I could speak.

'Thank you Niall.' I said smiling.

'Anytime. So Emma..' Niall trailed off.

'Yeah?' I replied

'Would umm.. Mind coming out with me tonight?' Niall said scratching the back of his neck.

'Like a date?' I replied, still smiling.

'Well.. Yeah .. But it doesn't have to be..' Niall said, getting flushed obviously.

'Niall, I would love to go out on a date with you.' I said , putting him out of his misery.

'Ok, so I'll pick you up at 7:30?' Niall asked smiling slightly.

'Yeah , 7:30 is good.' I replied looking at Niall .. He is really attractive guy. I'm surprised that he wanted to take me out.

'Ok, I'll see you later then.' Niall said turning at walking away.

'Okay bye!' I shouted back and made my way to my next class. This day was going to be long.


I looked in the mirror, nodding my head in approval. My make up actually turned out god for once, which is very rare for me. Usually I turn out looking like a clown, that's not pretty.

I had decided on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white collared lace top and a hot pink waist coat along with my white converses.

My hair was up in a high messy bun with some make up.

I turned to walk out of the bathroom to find Harry staring.

'Jezz prevent much?' I snapped, kind of freaked out.

'Where are you going?' Harry asked, eyes raking up and down my body.

'Out on a date with Niall.' I replied going over to my bed to get my phone and purse.

'Horan?' Harry snapped.

'Yes. Why?' I replied looking over. If I didn't know any better I'd think Harry was jealous. 

'Why are you going out with him?' Harry asked, somebody's a bit nosy.

'Because Niall asked me and I said yes because I want to.' 

'What so you're going to fuck him tonight?' Harry shouted.

My jaw dropped , 'so you really think I'm that big of a slut? Thanks Harry.' 

'No I don't think that, I didn't mean it like that em.' Harry replied shaking his head.

I loved the way he called me 'em'. Harry has been the only person to call me em ever and I love it.

'Well obviously you did.' I replied.

My phone dinged ,

I'm waiting outside now. Looking forward to seeing you :)

Niall x

I blushed and looked up at Harry.

'I have to go. Niall's waiting for me. Bye harry.' I walked out and I heard something smash, and Harry muttering 

'I could make you feel far better than Niall could ever.'

I couldn't believe what I heard...

Did Harry like me?


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