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Meghan's POV:

When we walk into the doctors office with Ariana, the man is already standing there with a worried expression on his face. We all nervously sit down, and he immediately starts speaking.

"In the head CT that we took yesterday, we discovered cancerous cells," he starts. My hand flies over my mouth, and he continues. "We have discovered a tumor in the bottom left part of your brain, and we need to get you started on chemo therapy immediately."

My hand was over my mouth, and Demi was just speechless. Ariana looked like she might've passed out, but she spoke up.

"Alright," she says. She gets off the counter, and we follow them in horror. They take her to chemo therapy, and they hook her all up. They give her all this paperwork and all this stuff, and it worries me that she won't be able to do all of this. We all call in and take the rest of the day off and get a sub, and we stay with Ariana throughout the night. She stays over because the beginning process is difficult, and Demi and I stay beside her the whole time. We talk all night about anything and everything, getting to know each other so much better than we had in the past five days that we've know each other. We comfort Ariana as much as we can, but she shakes her head. We stay all weekend. They finally release her Sunday morning, and we have to help her home. They told us that her condition was inoperable, and we all nodded in understanding. We help her home, and we stay with her for the longest time before Monday. Demi runs home to get clothes for the next day, and she gets back. I do the same as her, and we stay with Ariana over night. When we get to school the next day, Charlie was so worried about all of us.

"Where have you all been?" he asks when he sees us. I shake my head, and I motion for Demi and Ariana to go. They don't have to wait on me.

"We've been at the hospital all weekend," I say when they're gone. He creases his eyebrows.

"Why?" he asks.

"Ariana was diagnosed with stage three cancer. She has a tumor in her brain, and she had to start chemo therapy," I say. His eyes widen, and an expression of shock falls over his face.

"Oh, now I feel bad," he sighs. I nod my head.

"She doing okay. She's going to be getting used to the hospital," I say. He nods his head.

"Alright, I'll see you later," he says as he starts to walk away. I nod my head as I watch him drag his hand through his hair stressfully, making me feel bad for him.

He walks down the hall and rounds a corner, so he was no longer in my sight. I sigh, and I turn back to my room. I push the door all the way open, and I go to sit in my desk. I begin to just glance through st my students' homework. I start singing a song softly, and I smile as I sing. I abruptly feel a little tap on my shoulder, and I jump a little.

"Hi, Ms Trainor," says Emily, one of my students. I smile down at her, and I notice that she's usually the first one in my room everyday.

"Hello, Emily. Is there something I can help you with?" I ask her gently.

"I like it when you sing. Your voice is beautiful," she says. I blush a little, and she giggles at me.

"Thank you," I say. She nods her head, and she goes to sit in her chair. All the other kids start coming in, and I watch all of them as they pile into my room. They pick up the small piece of paper that I laid out as a bell ringer, and I watch them work on it for a few minutes.

The day goes by quickly, and at the end, I walk into Ariana's room to find her laying her head on her desk sleeping. I smile lightly, and I go to shake her shoulder a little. She wakes up, and Demi comes walking through the door.

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