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Charlie POV:

When I look at the entrance of the cafeteria, I see Meghan and Ariana walking towards me. I smile at them, but I suddenly hear the sound of a snake calling my name from behind me.

"Charlie, it's nice to see you," I hear Hailee say from behind me. I roll my eyes, and I turn to her.

"Hello, Ms Steinfeld," I say with a sigh. She smiles mischievously at me, and I cross my arms. "Is there anything that you needed?"

"Um, no. I was just wondering how you were doing?" she asks sneakishly. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, and I see Meghan appear at my side.

"Hey," she smiles brightly up at me. I smile down at her happily, but she turns to Hailee and gives her a smile.

"Hi. I'm Meghan, the new teacher," she says as she extends her hand out to Hailee.

"Hailee," she mutters as she reluctantly shakes her hand. Meghan fakes a smile, and she hides behind me slightly.

"Hailee!" I hear Taylor exclaims as her and Selena walk up to Meghan, Hailee, and I.

"Yeah?" Hailee asks.

"Who's this?" They ask, gesturing to Meghan.

"This is Meghan. She's the new teacher," I speak up. They look her over, and Selena turns to me.

"I hope you remembered to pick someone who can sing. We do our special play every year, and I hope she can keep up with us," she says rudely.

"Look, you don't even know her yet. Don't go and insult her when she hasn't even spoken a word to you," I spit. She raises her eyebrows.

"Charlie, I can defend myself, and I'm pretty sure their just concerned. I mean, you have a tradition, and they want to see if I can fit in and don't ruin the whole thing," Meghan says as she steps out from behind me. I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh, okay," I say with a chuckle. She smirks, and Selena just gives her a glare.

"Can you sing?" She asks. Meghan nods her head and crosses her arms across her chest confidently. My eyes widen, and Ariana suddenly appear beside me with crossed arms and a big smirk. "Well, why don't you just sing right now?"

"Now? In front of all these kids, and when I haven't even warmed up?" Meghan asks pointedly. Selena nods.

"Only a professional could," she responds bitterly. I can see steam coming out of Meghan's ears as she shifts her weight to one leg.

"Lets see you do it, then," Meghan says as she purses her lips.

"Oh, lord," I mumble.

"I will," she says. She walks towards the large stage in the auditorium, and I raise my eyebrows.

"She's seriously gonna do this," I chuckle. I grab the microphone off of the table next to me, and I speak into the loud speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're apparently going to have a show during the rest of lunch, so I'd love it if you'd applaud or yell 'boo' depending on your opinion," I say with a small chuckle following. I turn to Meghan, and she looks worried.

"Who has the best voice here? Because you obviously hired people with musical talent," she whispers.

"Ariana and Adele by far," I whisper back. She nods, and she gives me a questioning look.

"Who's Adele?" She asks cluelessly.

"Oh! Adele had been out for a few days. She just had a child," I say. Meghan nods in understanding, and Selena taps into the microphone. Meghan turns to Ariana.

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