Joker's daughter

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Jokers daughter is out walking under the rain. Frost shows up and offers to take her home by car instead. Eventually, he convinces her.

I walked out into the pouring rain. I hadn't forgotten my umbrella, oh no. The feeling of each droplet on my skin, hair, even my face, exhilarated me.

As I walked slowly under the pouring rain, I felt my eyes wet as well. My eye makeup had been smudged. Perfect!

My hair, delicately straightened and brushed just this morning, was a wiry mess. Dark wires. Hanging down my face. My thin top was drenched completely, and you could see my bra. I had a huge smile on my face though.

I loved this feeling.

I heard a car slowly pull up behind me.

I turned my head to the side as I held my arms trying to keep myself warm, and saw Frost.

Daddy must have sent him.

"Miss Lucy, please let me take you home." Frost's wise yet gentle voice spoke as I continued walking. He had rolled down the windows to the dark SUV and was driving at a speed matching my walking.

"I need the exercise, Frost." I said without looking at him.

He sighed. "Look, I know how much you love walking in the rain. You take after your father in the dramatics department. But I have a hot cup of hot cocoa waiting for you in the car. And it has those...teeny tiny little marshmallows you love." He smiled as he came to a stop. So did I.

I looked at him with big puppy dog eyes and immediately opened the back seat to reveal the hot cocoa sitting in the cup holder.

I slammed the door shut and took the cup into my hands, sipping on it as Frost drove us home.


Hope you guys liked it! Should I write a part 2??

I have been playing around with a few ideas like this and decided they need a separate book lol if anyone has any requests please comment.

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