The Lion's Den

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Description: Luna Moone applies to work at the Joker's club.


I walked up to the swanky club, eyeing the neon lights and the glass windows extending from floor to ceiling. There were no lines here, no one really waiting to get in. And i could understand why.

This was the Joker's club. He was known to be a psychotic, sociopathic freak. Well, that's what the streets whisper anyway.

It was 11:45 PM on a Saturday.

I needed this job.

My parents didn't let me work a day in my life. Instead, I was a full-time student, first generation, struggling to make something of myself. In a place like Gotham, that was very important had you been given the opportunity.

We had fallen on hard times, to the point where I wouldn't eat most of the days. Just bits of fruit and water just to ease the hunger.

I lost quite a bit of weight but it honestly did my body some good.

And here I was, completely betraying my parents' trust, coming here to The Lion's Den, appropriately named by the way. I sighed and walked up to the men standing outside of the door.

They saw me approach and turned their attention to me.

"Excuse me, I'm here for the waitressing job," I said confidently.

One of the men nodded. "Luna?"

"Luna Moone," I replied in confirmation.

"Follow me, miss Moone," he said as he beckoned me to follow him.

And so I did. I looked around discreetly, eyeing the partygoers. There were more gangster types here, scary types I would never associate with.

I sighed as I thought about my parents. They'd never allow this. They'd kill me. It's fine, I had a solid excuse.

The man led me to one of the VIP rooms, gorgeous diamond-like crystals hung from chains extending down from the ceiling.

"Boss, I got a girl here who applied for the waitressing position," he said to one of the men sitting in a circle surrounded by a group of men. They were all huge!

Muscles galore!

And the man himself, well, he was lanky, fit but not a body-builder like these other men.

I looked up at his face and hoped to God I wouldn't faint...or blush.

It was the Joker himself, standing up slowly, starting to smile at me.

"Well, what do we have heere," he purred as he slowly inched closer to me.

I gave a shy smile. "My name is Luna, sir, I'm here for the waitressing position."

He chuckled as he looked deep in my eyes. I could tell he was studying my face.

"I like 2 of the words you used in that sentence, sweetheart," he said with a rather lusty voice. I did notice.

He turned around to face the big men who had surrounded him in a circle. "Gentlemen, it's been a real pleasure. Now....leave." He said with a wide smile plastered on his face.

The men all scurried towards the door past me and in only a few seconds, I was left alone with him.

I came to the sudden realization that the very men who looked like they each could wrestle bears had practically run out of the room. They obviously feared him.

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