Chapter 13

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Liz's POV

We had just agreed to play the game i had suggested. We were about to start the water balloon fight.

Louis and previously had an argument about who would get to say when the game would start. I had made up my mind that I would do it. I was determined not to let Louis win this argument. It was pretty entertaining to see him whine so much, though. He reminded me of my little cousins. Any small child actually.

Babies included.

Anyway, we agreed to make teams. My teammate was Harold. When we finally made sure we had a hiding place and we knew our surroundings, just to make sure we had a place to go just in case we were ambushed, I said 'now.'

"Ready?" Harry asked.

"Well, I think the true question is, are you ready, Harold?" I questioned.

"As ready as i will ever be." He contested.

During my time hanging out with the direction, I've noticed that Hazza over here is one of those people that say words completely. You see, normal people would say I'll. But Mr. Fancy pants over here says I will. No normal teen ever does that. But like people say, normal is boring. Which is completely true. All of the boys are anything but boring.

"Alright then," I whispered, careful not to give away our hiding spot. Honestly, i don't really know why because after all, I will have to be yelling 'now' in a few seconds.

I don't want to risk it. Specialy when I'm so competitive. Maybe I should've let Lou do it. However, im way too stubburn for that. Well, it's too late to back out now.

I decided my time has come to announce the beginning of our game.

"NOW!!" I yelled.

I just realized Harry and I hadn't devised a plan for this. We'll just have to improvise.

Right when I yelled 'now' Harry jumped from our hiding place and re-located. Maybe he pondered about a strategy more than I did. He probably knew that me yelling would give away our locations. And he was also right. When I peeked into the battle field, Niall seemed to have found me. Of course he did.

I looked around to see if any if the other players have found out. Niall's partner, Superman, was completely clueless. Good boy.

Zayn was trying to avoid being shot and was still hiding. He didn't realize he had picked a terrible spot and could be seen from mostly every angle. Niall took advantage and shot him from the back. After getting zayn, Niall left. Careful not to get the attention of any other predators that might me lurking.Little did he know I was watching his every move.

Actually, now that I think about it, sometimes i do in fact sound like a stalker. I've learned from the best. Stacy has been stalking these boys since forever and she still hasn't crossed their way. Yet I am here. In Niall's flat. Wih all of them because I have accidentally bumped into Niall twice. Sometimes you just gotta love accidents. 

"Liz" Harry whispered to me.

"What?" I jumped surprised, a balloon filled with water in my hands, just in case he was an enemy, ready shoot me.

"Why are you still here?" He said, motioning to the place where he was originally hiding. You know, before he abandoned me.

"Why did you leave?" I asked ignoring his previous question.

"Because it was unsafe," So he wanted to leave me in an 'unsafe' place?

"Rule number one, never leave a man behind," I said copying a quote from a movie or show I saw. Or maybe it was book. I don't know. I have a terrible memory.

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