chapter 18

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Liz's POV

"Elizabeth! What are you still doing in bed?" My mom said, entering my room and waking me from my slumber

I groaned, pulled the covers up completely and hid myself underneath. My mother came and only pulled them down completely, and the suddenly cold air hit me. I stayed on my bed and started to hug myself so the cold impact wouldn't affect me as much.

I heard my moms footsteps and thought she was leaving. Just when I decided to open my eyes, I was surprised by the amount of light that instantly came in when my mom opened the curtains. It was so much sunlight that my eyes were hurting. I felt like one of those vampires from those old movies. The ones that couldn't stand being outside in the sunlight or they would turn to dust or simply vanish.

But as much as I wanted to, I couldn't vanish. I just couldn't stand it. Simple as that.

"Ahhh!!" I screamed from the pain my eyes were currently in. "Mom!"

"Sorry, honey. But you have to get up. Pronto! Come on, come on!" My mom exclaimed.

I lazily stood up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom. No matter how late I might be, I will always take my shower.

The contact with the cold water was extremely unexpected at first. But then, all I felt was soothing sensation. Sadly, it was time to get out. I don't need to get to school even more late then I already am.

I got out of the shower and exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I put underwear and a random bra on. I also threw on the first blouse and pair of pants that I saw. Definitely no time to look through all my clothes and complain about the fact that you have nothing to wear like some girls in my school do in the morning. And it's not like people are going to be judging me any more than they already do. That's like humanly impossible to do. But then again, I'm not even sure that they really are human.

Anyway, for my hair, all I did was a ponytail. I looked in the mirror and was very surprised at the simplicity of my outfit. Also, that it didn't look that bad considering I literally put the first thing I found.

I grabbed my book-bag and literally ran down the stairs. I went through the kitchen so I could say bye to my dad and was surprised when my mom informed me that he had already left for work. I must really be late.

I ran and ran as fast as my legs could take me. There was no other person young enough to be student. Another sign if how late I am. The only people out were two people. A woman jogging and a huge man with a surprisingly small dog. Ironic, huh?

When I finally arrived at my school after what seemed to be a trillion years of running, I still didn't stop running. I ran to my locker. I honestly don't even know why. First period is over in five minutes. What's the point of even going to that class. My next class was art. Art was like the only subject I didn't despise. I was actually kind of good at drawing and painting. I also even tried in that. Music was another class I liked because I like to sing. The only problem with that is that I have massive stage fright and can't sing in font of an audience. Unless I'm singing with a group, and there aren't a lot of people.

Next thing I know, the bell rings. Indicating it was now time for class.

"Liz? Where have you been? I heard Jack was at your house yesterday." She said.

"Oh God, don't even get me started. Turns out he's not even my cousin." I answered.

"What?!" How is that even possible. Wait, is that even good or bad," she asked. I always tell Stacy all my crazy stories with Jack.

"Both," I answered her last question. "And apparently he's adopted. Who could've guessed? Well, I'll tell you everything later. The story is too long and way too disturbing for me to tell you now." I included. She couldn't possibly tell me how much she wanted to hear the story as well as she did with her facial expression. It was priceless.

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