chapter 1

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Elizabeth's POV

I honestly hate Wednesdays. The middle of the week. The time when everyone is tired and wants some rest from the tiresome excuse for "the place of learning." Also known as school.

The way I look at the school week is: day one dying to go back to bed. Day two, wishing for the end of the week. Day three, asking myself why I'm still enrolled in a place that places popularity over my mental sanity. Day four, how do I survive? Day five, I'm glad to be alive.


My alarm just went off indicating it's 7:00 AM. Joyful time to wake up!- note sarcasm.

I tried to find the snooze button while on my bed. Out of luck, I sat on my bed deciding to just unplug the alarm.  I've never heard anything whose aggravating presence begins to compare to the irritating sound of the damn alarm...

After I got out of bed, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. This is the only time where I can actually feel relaxed- like I don't have a care in the world. Its peace, or the total opposite of my life. Sadly, I can't stay in the shower for ever. So after about 15 minutes I wrapped myself in a towel and exited the bathroom door leading to my room.

I looked in my messy excuse for a closet and tried to find something to wear. I could not find anything.  These are the desperate times when I wish my high school had a uniform.

Finally I decided on wearing a gray lace top and some dark skinny jeans.

"Morning daddy." I said as I walked down the stairs and leaned down to kiss my dad on the cheek.

"Morning sweetheart." he said looking up from the newspaper.

"Morning mom," I said as I kissed her in the cheek.

"Good morning sweetie," my mom said as she kissed me back

"So dad, any interesting news?"  I said as I took a sip of my juice and started eating my toast.

"Well, if you consider the local grocery store being robbed interesting news, then yes," he responded.

"wow, very, unexpected." I said a little surprised. This town is not one to cause trouble.

After about five minutes of eating the 'most important meal of the day,'it was time to go school.

"bye mom, bye dad," I said as I gave them each a goodbye kiss.


as I got of my house, I put my ear buds on and listened to some music.  Music also makes me feel relaxed. I don't know, sometimes I feel like when I listen to music I can get away from the world. specially when I sing. cheesy, I know, but that's the truth.

I put my iPod on shuffle. after a few minutes, I figured that I have a lot of one direction. Yes, I am a big direction. And it's all thanks to my best friend Stacy. Since she introduced them to me, I have fallen in love with them. Specially Niall. I just love him. His voice is amazing and I am in love with those blue eyes. Thank you Stacy (note the sarcasm)

Talking about about Stacy, I heard a familiar voice calling my name .

"Liz!! Liz!! wait for me!" she yelled as she ran towards me. Liz is my nickname. Stacy gave to me when I came from America at age 15. That's when we originally became best friends. Now, it's 2 years later and we are the closest we have ever been.

" yes may I help you," I said laughing at her while she was trying to catch her breath.

"well, hello to you too," she said sarcasticly. "boy I need to hit the gym."

"yes, yes you do," I said

"soooo, guess what! Guess what ! Guess what!!!" Stacy exclaimed. For someone who's going to school at 7 in the morning, she is really exited.

" I don't know. what?" I asked playing along

"Liz. I said guess," she whined

"oh I don't know I give up," I said

"fine," she said. after that she started fangirling. Well, this must be interesting.

After a few moments of being in crazy world, Stacy finally landed on planet Earth. "OMG!! you won't believe it! One direction is coming to our highschool to shoot their next music video.

When she said that last piece of information, I didn't even care that I was in the middle of the street, I was screaming, I was ecstatic. I might finally get to meet one direction. And I couldn't be happier.


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