Chapter 10

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There have to be at most three marks branded into the skin of my neck by the time I've gotten the keys back in my hand. The muscle beneath those bruises are exercised by the work of Edward's lips sucking and avoiding the use of his teeth. His act of crowding me against the door leaves me blinded while unlocking the door and shuddering so evidently when he breathes puffs of hot air between the fibers of my arousal.

When the door flies ope it manages to bounce off the table behind it and make an obnoxious rattling sound. My files are taken from me and my hand is captured to be led into my own apartment before the door is sealed. The papers are dumped on the aforementioned table, with no task of completing them in the near future.

Edward abandons my hand when he corners me between the table and wall bend heading for the comfort of my living room. My hands fall to the mercy of Edward's belt loops, fingers curling through them and feeling the resultant smirk against my throat. Teeth scrape my Adam's Apple and I choke back a whimper when lips seal around it. A small and insufficient suckle is placed there before moving on.

A hand adequately large enough to circle my neck lands on my thigh, squeezing until the flesh hidden by my pants is flushed and in pain slightly. I whine from the hot contact and pull Edward between my legs to where friction is absent but in dire need. My noises are smoothed out by Edward's lips finding mine but not satisfying the burn of desire just yet.

My eyes fly open from their hibernating state to find Edward watching me, completely still except for the tapping of his fingertips on the underside of my thigh.

"One is not going to be enough." Edward's paw moves from the door to my cheek, his thumb grazing back and forth over my cheekbone as his eyes burrow into mine earnestly. "Not with you."

I touch his wrist with my humble fingertips and find the contact deepened by the straining of his veins through skin. It's as if he's grasping onto something so tightly and fiercely, but his actual hold on the side of my face is undeniably gentle.

There's a fire somewhere burning like the flames of war that is simply inextinguishable with water and sand. My ravenous body will be mourning the loss of something far more uncensored if this does not get a move on.

"I know." I breathily reply, squeaking when my leg is hiked up at an angle to rest on Edward's hip. "You don't have to stop." Ever.

Edward, in the absent light of my empty apartment, renders a blush to my cheeks when he doesn't smirk or confidently chuckle. His molten stare softens at the corners like the chipping away of rounded emerald, and he closes the distance between our mouths.

Having this kiss felt like the break of a fast after starving myself. I moaned involuntarily without regret and carded one hand through Edward's quiff of hair, tugging on the curly tips and scraping his scalp with my fingernails. His concentration faltered at the latter deed and his groan flittered through our union to rupture the small strain of self-restraint I possessed.

His mouth sealed over mine as his hand encircled the shape of my thigh, one nibbling and the other squeezing. I was panting for breath but he didn't care, his lips moved where mine did. At last when I was certain I had enough space to do it without tumbling into humiliation, I clasped Edward's shoulders with both hands and separated from our indecent kiss to jump.

He was pleased with my convenient action and fell forward so I was pressed against the door. My back arched to make room but his palm pushed down on my middle to reposition me again. I was too far gone at this point and removed the restriction digging into my stomach to pull him towards me. The hunger from our kiss spiralled into me shoving off his too exepensive ashen coat, and he reaching for the hem of my shirt. It got tugged over my head and flung across the doorway carelessly.

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