Chapter 33

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Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen. Voices whisper in the trees: Tonight is Halloween.


Halloween night began at 18h00 when people were decked out in their costumes, obscene or meek, ready to trick or treat. Kids went from door to door and the adults found themselves locked up in an x-rated world featured in every nightclub in Dynasville.

The club Louis was surrounded by, swallowed whole by a neon-lit establishment, was called Razor and it was on top of its game for this Halloween.

Razor's ceiling had chandeliers of red gems that dripped red liquid onto the dance floor, light bulbs and strobe lights that flickered black or red. There were vapourising equipment installed all over the two-floor building that exhaled alcohol into the atmosphere. He could smell it in the air and taste it on his tongue.

Music was remixed and made louder, vibrations coursing through the floor he walked on. The horror soundtrack was played at every bass drop, leaving people in an unsteady euphoric state. People all but had sex on the dance floor and nobody said anything because it was Halloween and there were no rules tonight.

Every lyric was haunted and every shout could be genuine horror when Razor's delivered another practical terror to make your heart jump, but Louis felt safe in the least secure environment.

He had a mouth on his neck, wet and warm on his flushed skin. Sharp teeth scraped over the scar it had made weeks ago, reimbursing it with more bites and bruises. Strong hands held his back close to a hard, toned chest. His eyes slipped shut and he inhaled deeply the taste of vodka that hung above their heads.

Breath caught in his throat when Edward's face loomed over his, eyes blackened to coals and teeth red from the lighting. He swooped down and caught Louis in a hard kiss, dominating it immediately and led Harry's hands to the ideal spot for kneading.

Harry grinded into Louis with the rhythmic beat of vibrant music guiding him. His palm flattened between Louis' thighs, parting them and holding him back as the boy gasped and shuddered. Someone tried to invade their bubble for whatever pathetic reason and Edward shoved them back so hard the stranger took three people down with him. Like a challenged Alpha with frayed nerves, Edward returned to Louis and latched onto him as much as he could.

The alcohol that settled on Louis' skin from the vapourisers tasted better when it was licked off him. Edward detached their lips with a wet smacking sound, and his palms pushed down the back of Louis' pants to grope him more possessively.

Louis' neck was exposed as he threw his head back onto Harry's shoulder, lost to music and adrenaline racing through his drugged veins. He bit his lip when two mouths zeroed in on his bare flesh. Harry took a bit in his teeth and pulled in a way that made Louis squirm, heat blossoming in his abdomen.

The tongues that swiped over his throat met once and Harry teased Edward, daring him to initiate something. Louis was caught between them, a cage of four broad arms as Edward sucked Harry's tongue into his mouth and stole every ounce of taste it had. He devoured the essence and went back to Louis' body, worshipping it.

"I want a drink." Edward pulled off Louis' red skin, laden with dried alcohol and saliva. He removed his hands from Louis' firm behind and looked him in the eye, his ferocity scorching Louis' enthusiasm. "And I want to drink it off your body, petal."

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