Chapter 36

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The early morning dew started to pick up outside, dropping sparse water on the filthy ground and on those who still had to go home. Three of those occupants were covered up indoors nestled between the warmth of their bodies at dawn. One could hardly hear the rain that was slowly getting heavier, more greedy for attention.

Louis smiled against Edward's lips and bit the other one, tugging on it between his teeth as he framed the man's face with his small hands. Edward had the thin and practically useless blanket wrapped all the way around the boy on his lap, feeling especially warm and at peace with the softer presence.

"I could declare this the best morning ever." Edward returned Louis' enthusiasm in the kiss as he smirked and tried to devour what he could from such a simple connection.

"But?" Louis' fingertips tapped the hollow nature of Edward's cheekbone, teeth clashing in wet harmony as Edward's mouth wasn't ready to release the boy.

Edward merely shook his head and went back to their kissing session. It's been going on for over an hour they both believe and it hasn't escalated or degraded, just stayed at this lovely slow pace where they could enjoy each other's sweet gestures with a sweep of their tongues or nip of teeth.

With a heavy intake of air, Edward held Louis by his buttocks with both firm hands as he lifted him a little higher and lot closer. The boy laughed and curled his fingers on Edward's clavicle, their swollen lips meeting in a ravenous union one more time.

"Sweetheart." Edward's arm crosses over Louis' back from his hip to his shoulder, their foreheads pressed together. "I want to marry you."

Louis doesn't bat an eye at such a sudden confession and tugs a little on Edward's frosty hair. "And I'd like to wash your hair."

"My baby brother told me you washed his. Isn't that enough?" Edward really shouldn't be as startled as he is by the idea of Louis washing his hair.

"Aw baby brother." Louis pushes some starch white hair back over Edward's forehead, cheeks a little more pink than usual.

"He is my baby brother." Edward raises an eyebrow of his and turns Louis around, never mind their fully nude state.

Edward adores his other half, glancing momentarily at Harry's dozing shape as a lump of human mass amongst the thin sheets with puffy lips and pale skin.

"He was my pup before you." Edward says insightfully, making Louis guffaw quietly.

"Really?" Said he with widened eyes. "It's so cute."

His partner chuckled and flicked some hair out of his eyes, bending his knees under Louis' body. "I suppose I shouldn't take that away from him."

"Aha." Louis bumped their noses together. "I'll always be your petal."

Louis settled down between Edward's legs and got locked in by those muscular thighs around him. He rested the back of his head on Edward's shoulder and breathed out sleepily. His one hand still reached up behind Edward's head and twirled the spineless curls at the base of his hairline.

They both looked forward at the muted television as meaningless images flashed by on the static screen, Louis' twitching fingers soothing the goosebumps on Edward's skin. The man would sometimes kiss his wrist where the pulse was strong or his temple with wet lips.

After two minutes of blankly observing the wall or Harry's sleeping form sprawled out on his front with the sheets just barely covering his behind as he softly snored into his pillow, Edward nudged Louis' jaw back towards him and connected their lips because being apart was primitive. He smiles when Louis grins and their kiss turns into little pecks that mould into a more hungry motive.

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