Chapter 49

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The elevator doors slid open and they were open to the red carpet, golden walls of their corridor. Harry fished out the keys from Edward's jeans pocket because the man himself was incapable of it, not discreet at all when he smirked at Edward's scowl.


"I suggest you don't start anything that you will be too tired to finish." Edward spoke with a proud little smirk teasing his lips as well as Harry's.

"I? What about you, Edward?" Harry inspected the bunch of keys for the correct one.

The door became insufferable when it didn't seem to cooperate with the key Harry had forced into it. It finally gave way after he switched to a different silver key. He flipped the light on and held the door open for Edward to walk through.

Just as they had left it, the apartment as remained until they came back. Spotless and smelling like the detergents of the cleaning crew that was due to work while they were out.

"I did not exploit myself today." Edward told him, his face hovering an inch away from Harry's. "I can go all night if I choose to."

Harry sucked in a sharp breath as his pupils narrowed and the green of his eyes became two portals with the promise of the finest forestry, bold and made to complement the groan he releases. Edward smirks at his brother's weak reaction and shoulders past him to get Louis into the bedroom.

"Petal?" Edward tried to coax Louis out of his sleep before he touched the mattress, as they all needed a thorough shower.

Louis hardly responded with more than a muted mumble and act of further snuggling into Edward's shirt.

"Wake up, sleepy petal." He whispered gently into the boy's ear. "Darlin', you need to take a shower."

Edward kept himself from tripping by leaning his side against the wall, his hands gripping Louis' thighs with such strength that they had to be causing bruises. His body was tired too, even if not as drained as Louis' and he couldn't keep up the carrying feat for very much more.

Louis' little yawn was cute as a button but Edward could not allow himself to be fooled. His petal can be very deceptive when he's lazy to move on his own. His overpowering cerulean eyes blinked awake and that resistance of his got milder, weaker. Louis' eyes were always so bright when he was like this.

"Shower?" Louis looked over his shoulder to document just how far off the ground he was. "Yeah. Okay."

"Would you like me to put you down?" Edward asked during the process of completing the action, thereby giving Louis no choice but to stand on his own feet.

Louis yawned again before swaying on his feet got old and he rubbed away the exhaustion in his eyes with the balls of his palms. He was taken by the hand and led into the bathroom, pouting when the immensely bright light momentarily impaired his vision.

He found himself looking up at Edward where the man spun him around and began to undress him. "Hi."

Edward gave him a look of indignation, but smirked at his amusing petal and lifted the boy's shirt off his body. "Hello."

Louis waited for Edward to be right in front of him before grinning and giving his nearest feature - chin - a kiss. His spoiled jeans were unbuttoned and dragged down his legs, pulled off over his socks after Edward pried his Vans off.

"What's gotten into you now, petal?" Edward didn't sound half as exasperated as he set out to pretend on being.

"What?" Louis giggled, feeling extra high off his buzz from earlier. He has to stay away from hot chocolate if it'll make his lips as well as his nerves this sugary.

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