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( it's been about two weeks scene mads death )
Your PoV
I'm constantly waking up to night mares. The cause of this I'm unsure of. When ever I go to work all I want is to be home with Mark and Jack. When ever I draw I blur the faces. The theory behind my philosophy is that when you loose apart of yourself your character becomes blurry to you or the perspective of those around you. But that's just a theory. A theory made from  a depressed person I've become. Jack doesn't know about it. Mark doesn't know about. My coworkers don't know about it. And I plain to keep it that way. I don't want people knowing what happened. I don't think they would understand.   All I have to focus on right know is getting this game done. With out this game I have no point.
Jack PoV
I woke up one night and saw (y/n) awake and scared. I guess she is still struggling with mads death and all. I feel her pain. Loosing someone who had been with you for that long. Sometimes at night I think I see him. But it's always an allusion that my mind made tricking me. I also see her. I see mad. Always in the same place each time. In front of her art desk. With a blank stare. She always is looking in the same place. Looking at her. And when she's not there I look at (y/n) drawings.  They all have a blurred outface. I want to ask her if she's alright. But. If I'm hurt how can I help her when she's also hurt. She saved these two flower peddles she found in the hospital. One green.the other purple.  I don't know but I feel like something's wrong. I need to talk to her.
Marks PoV
I can't believe I was born with dark. And to let him escape and cause so much trouble. It's all on my hands. I have this need to tell my viewers but at the same time I will be persecuted. So much blood is on my hands. I feel responsible for everything. I see Jack some times at night just staring at things. Like I saw him staring at the door. I also saw him looking at (Y/n) art desk from kitchen. We need to talk. I miss are fun times. When we would make dick jokes and laugh like there was no tomorrow. But life's different know I feel like a monster. A heathen. Like a criminal.

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