2: Guilt

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Frank felt bad.

He had just got home from the hospital a few days later where his parents had spent most of their time crying, but the thing that hit Frank most is that his father blamed himself for what happened.

He went on about how he shouldn't have been so careless, he should've made sure he didn't leave his razor in the bathroom, shouldn't have been so stupid and would let anyone convince him otherwise.

Frank knew it wasn't his fault, he was going to kill himself regardless of whether or not his father had left a razor in the bathroom, well attempt to at least, but his father wasn't listening.

Frank almost told them about the pills but decided against it as if he did, he would have to wait so much longer to try again, and he really didn't want to wait too long.

He then decided to write a note, explaining all his reasons and how it was in no way his father's fault, just in case he forgot later on, before folding it and stashing it in his drawer with the pills.

He lied back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, having just got away from his parents hugging and crying. He didn't want to be an ass, but he was tired, if he couldn't die then sleep would be the next best thing.

He flicked off his lamp, rolling over, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but failing to do so, when finally, he was comfortable and felt himself start to drift of when he felt something poking in to his back.

He turned around, confused before seeing a boy who looked about his age, kneeling on the bed beside him, staring at Frank intently. Frank immediatly went to scream but the boy widened his eyes, covering Frank's mouth and shushing him.

"Sh, don't scream, please?" The boy spoke and Frank nodded, not really trusting him but he really had no choice right now. The boy removed his hand a smiled at Frank, holding out his hand, "hi, i'm Gerard!"

The boy was too enthusiastic for Frank's liking, but he put out a shaking hand slowly toward Gerard's, not really thinking about what he was doing before they were shaking hands.

Gerard sat there awkwardly, he seemed to be waiting for something, but Frank was freaking out too much to figure out what he was waiting for but when he realised Gerard wasn't going to do anything yet, he calmed down a little.

Gerard was staring at him, waiting patiently, for what? Frank didn't know, but what he did know was that he felt uncomfortable under the boys gaze and also confused as the why he was looking at him like that.

"Well?" Gerard said, dragging out the word.

"Well what?"

"Well aren't you going to tell me your name?" Gerard asked, only speaking out half the side of his mouth which Frank noticed.

Frank felt intimdated by the boy, now really, the boy wasn't scary at all, or intimidating but Frank didn't know who he was or how he had got there in his room.

He was still freaking out when Gerard just sat there watching him intently like he was waiting for him to do something or like he was amazed by Frank which made Frank feel somewhat insecure for reasons he didn't know.

But he did know that was scared and he felt he had every right to be, for all he knew, this kid could be a murderer. Kid wasn't probably the best word to use considering he looked Frank's age, maybe even older, but either way, he could still be dangerous.

"Uh, Frank?" He answered eventually, it seeming more like a question actually,  and began scanning Gerard's face, memorizing it for himself, he was kind of adorable now that Frank looked at him properly, at least if he died, someone pretty would have been the one to kill him.

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