5: Apologies

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It had been 13 hours since Frank had confessed his feelings to Gerard, and Gerard hadn't said anything, but Frank couldn't blame him, it was a lot to take in and Frank felt bad for dumping that on him like that.

Frank hadn't spoken anything else since then except for an apology before he tried to go to sleep which had take a lot longer than he wanted it to, but he finally drifted off in the early hours of the morning.

When he had woke, he checked his alarm clock, seeing it was only seven, he had only slept for a maximum of five hours and he knew he wouldn't been getting anymore sleep.

Gerard wasn't in his room when he woke up which wasn't usual or expected and Frank felt instanlty guilty for scaring him off, but now it was twelve in the afternoon and Gerard still wasn't back yet.

He had thought maybe Gerard was just invisible but he had asked him to show himself and Gerard never did. He felt a twinge of pain in his chest when he didn't get an answer, but he hadn't left his room all morning and so Gerard could've been just outside the door.

But it still bothered him that Gerard was out there and Frank was in here. More than anything he wanted Gerard to just come back and pretend he had never said what he said, because he was afraid that this had changed things.

They were powerful words, and he didn't know how powerful they were until he said them. They were a make or break really, unless Gerard was willing to look past it, look past the stupid human boy that fell for a ghost.

He decided that he would go find Gerard, so he stepped out of bed, looking for the dark haired beauty that filled his mind constantly, because Frank thought about him more than he thought about anything else.

He made his to his door, his hand hesitantly resting on the handle. He couldn't lie, he was nervous, terrified of facing Gerard, if he faced Gerard that is, Gerard could just make himself disappear. But Frank didn't think Gerard would do that, Gerard wouldn't do that, not forever, would he?

Frank tried not to think about that possibility as he left his room and made his way to the loungeroom, seeing his parents sitting together, watching something on tv, not acknowledging Frank as they seemed to be too into what ever they were watching to notice him which didn't bother him as he was looking for Gerard.

And he found Gerard sat on a chair on the veranda reading one of Frank's comic books, he was always reading comic books and Frank loved him even more now considering they shared interests like these.

Gerard, much like Frank's parents, seemed to be too into what he what he was reading to notice Frank, but Frank didn't mind, he thought Gerard was cute when he was reading, hell, he thought he was cute all the time.

Frank stood there for a moment, not sure exactly what to say, does he just say hi? Good morni- afternoon? He decided to just pretend last night didn't happen, that the words never left his mouth, and just talk to Gerard like normal.

But instead, when he opened his mouth to speak, all that left was a sob, capturing Gerard's attention immediately. He looked over, seeing Frank who was stood there, feeling ashamed as he began crying, the sight breaking Gerard's heart.

He stood up, running over to the other boy who was now breaking down in his arms, Gerard immediately picked him up and carried him around the house, walking to Frank's room that way, as he didn't want Frank's parents to see Frank floating about, which would be admittedly funny, but maybe not right now.

He sat on Frank's bed, the boy in his arms as he cried his poor little heart put and Gerard decided that he had cried enough, not just today but in his life overall, he held him close to himself, knowing how Frank felt about him.

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