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When Frank got home he went straight to his room, Gerard greeting him with a smile and a small kiss when he walked in, but Gerard knew something was wrong instantly when Frank wasn't kissing back.

He pulled back to see the tears in Frank's face before he was closing the door and holding Frank and rocking him slowly until he calmed down, before finally asking what was wrong.

"We- we're," Frank choked out, burying his face in Gerard's chest, "I'm leaving, i'm moving," he mumbled but Gerard heard him loud and clear and suddenly there was a spike in his heart.

Gerard shushed him, trying to calm him down before he started crying again, although Gerard felt like he would cry himself, and he wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Gerard knew he wouldn't ever be happy again, he knew when he was alive, he knew it when he was dead, but then he met Frank, and over these past two months, he learnt what happiness was, he felt happiness, something he didn't think he'd be able to feel ever again.

And Frank had shown him love.

Frank had shown Gerard so much and Gerard had shown Frank the same, the two boys who fell inlove with someone they knew they could never be with, but then Frank had thought, what if they could be together?

He knew Gerard wouldn't agree with this but he had to try, he felt as though Gerard was the love of his life, or if he got what he pleased, the love of his death, which admittedly sounded kind of weird, but Frank didn't really care.

"Gerard?" He asked his love who was currenly humming as he rocked Frank slowly, before Gerard looked down, nodding for Frank to continue, "Gerard, I know how we can be together."

Gerard made a noise for him to continue before he came to his senses realising what he was implying. He shook his head rapidly, not wanting Frank to even mention it, he loved Frank, but if this is how they could be together, he didn't want it.

"No Frankie, no, that's just- no," Gerard denied, and Frank blushed a little at the nickname, hearing it for the first time, he loved it if he was honest.

"But Gerard, I- please, I want you, I wanna be with you," Frank whimpered desperately, pulling on Gerard's shirt.

Gerard felt his heart ache at the sight of his seemingly helpless boyfriend who was desperately wanting him to let him end his life, much like Gerard had done, but Gerard didn't want this.

Gerard wanted to be with Frank but he couldn't let Frank die for him, die to be with him, Gerard wasn't worth it but Frank didn't seen to think so as he cried into his chest, his wet tears staining his face.

"Frank, you- you will move on, you will find someone new and besides, you have a whole world waiting for you, you have a future Frank, a future where you can grow up, maybe adopt some kids, have a career, there's so much that life has to offer you, please don't waste it on me," Gerard said, feeling tears sting his eyes, "I want you to be happy."

"But you make me happy," Frank whispered.

"But you'll find somebody else," Gerard said, the thought making his stomach twist up a little, "things will get better."

"I don't want anybody else," Frank said, desperately trying to get Gerard to understand. "I want you, you're the only one I want, Gerard."

Gerard felt the same, but he couldn't let Frank throw his life away, especially not for Gerard, some boy, but Frank was in love and somehow he figured Frank would try to end his life again in the future anyway.

But he just- he couldn't let this happen, could he?

Gerard eventually rocked him to sleep, letting his boyfriend sleep peacefully, running his hands through his hair as he grabbed another comic book from a large pile that Gerard had been building up of all the ones he planned on reading.

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