3: Saved

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It had been a week since Gerard appeared and Frank wasn't even slightly afraid of him anymore, learning more about eachother over the past week and why Gerard was there in the first place.

It turned out that Gerard had died not only in the same house as Frank but in the bathroom, same way as Frank had tried to do. He said he remembered wanting to watch himself die, that's why he picked that bathroom, because it had a mirror, but he was drunk and unaware of the fact that he wouldn't be able to stand too long to see the himself in it.

Gerard said he wasn't sure but his theory was that since he had died in this house, he was connected to it, he had been outside but he always felt some odd feeling stepping off the grass and on to the pavement as he tried to leave.

That was when he had first passed on, he didnt make it too far before he was floating back to the house, thankful that no one could see him. The weird feeling grew way too strong way too fast and he was too scared to keep going.

Something that confused Frank was how he was able to see Gerard now, but not before. Frank asked if he was just hiding from him before, and why show himself now?

Gerard didn't really understand it himself, but he tried to, he had his own theories. He figured out how to make himself go into his transparent, ghost-like form, and back to his solid, colourful form quite early on, though it was useless as no one could see him in either way, well, until now.

He thought that the reason Frank could see his was because Frank had nearly died, like you have to be a ghost yourself or in Frank's case, have been near to death. For all he know, Frank died but was revived.

That was probably it.

Gerard had admitted to watching Frank sleep multiple times, having nothing better to do with himself over the years he had been there, but he had also watched Frank do a lot of other things that he thought were better left unmentioned, and Frank hadn't asked.

He had also admitted to stealing Frank's comic books when he was out or sleeping, and how he had noticed him freak out over the lost comic before returning it when he wasn't looking.

Frank may not have been able to see Gerard but Gerard wasn't risking that he might have been able to see the comic.

Gerard had been a ghost for five years now, but he didn't really know the ins and outs of ghosting. He had been dying at one moment then he was watching his dead body on the ground, confused at first but it didn't take to long to realise what he was.

He was just thrown into the ghost life- well, death, with no idea as to what he was supposed to be doing, or how to even ghost properly. He often wondered how many other ghosts there were.

Maybe there were different kinds of ghosts, maybe more advanced, like they figured out how to show themselves to people, maybe they figured it out and were walking around in the world, not bothered by that feeling that Gerard had, when he walked outside.

Maybe Frank was an advanced ghost, but of course he wasn't, his parents had interacted with him normally, meaning that he had his real body and he was human, unlike he would've been if he was disconnected from it like a ghost.

The whole thing confused Gerard, and now that Frank could see him, it made him more interested in his ghost-self.

"How old were you when you... you know," Frank asked, snapping Gerard out of his thoughts. Gerard looked at Frank before he looked down again at his hands, letting out a sigh.

"Seventeen," he said after a moment. Frank was sort of suprised. They were the same age, Frank started to think it wasn't even a coincidence, and maybe it wasn't, Frank didn't know.

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