Chapter 4: Professor

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The rest of the month wasn't all that different. I went from class to class then back to the Castle, occasionally going out with the others for drinks. The classes were heavily based on theory, we didn't get to use any practical magic save for that time Malorn made us tap into our magic to form an orb of light, and one other time where he taught us the dark sprite spell. Which was a spell that summons a dark fairy to help us fight. I had learnt minor conjuring spells from my secondary and tertiary school as well. According to Malorn the reason we'd done such little practical magic was because we needed to understand the school and how it works before trying to cast its spells.

It was the last day of the sixth week of classes, I have one class with Malorn left today then I'm free for the weekend. Despite all the work though, I actually enjoy my classes, so since I have no plans until tonight, I'm going to practice my spells...but where? I need to find somewhere with more privacy than my castle to practice. Maybe Golem Court? I'll check after class.

"I believe you're ready for your first minor attack spell; the death touch spell. It's relatively simple." He pointed at a nearby target. "Alright, first breathe, then you just put your hands out or wands out in front of you and recite this spell." He cleared his throat. "Tactus Mortem."

The room turned familiarly darker and then a surging ball of black energy shot out from Malorn's wand. The spell hit its target so strongly and accurately that it broke it. Wow he's good.

"Now, each of you will get one try. Princess, start us off."

I made my way up to where he was standing and put my hands out in front of me and recited the spell from memory.

"Tactus Mortem."

My surroundings went dark and an extreme coldness chilled my core and started blazing towards my fingers rapidly. For a split second I felt strong, strong enough to do anything, but then it was if I freaked out and pushed it down somehow, and when the blazing black energy escaped my fingers it was as big and strong as Malorn's and it obliterated its target. Malorn's eyes were wide as saucers; or well his equivalent of an extremely surprised expression.


"I-I don't know..." I regained composure and brushed it off nonchalantly. "Can I sit back down now?"

He nodded and gestured for a kid to come up and try next. How the hell was I able to make it as big as Malorn's, he's trained, experienced and a high level. What the fuck was that? Wands make spells stronger, that's a fact. I didn't even use my was it so powerful? I felt invincible for a second...what if this is linked to why no schools showed up at the end of my test? Okay, over-thinking won't help. I'm sure it's nothing. By the time the class was over, I decided to do some exploring. Maybe I'd come across somewhere that I could practice. Malorn stopped me before I could leave.

"...We need to talk."

"Not now, I'm on my way to practice my spells."

Malorn looked pensive for a moment.

"Where are you gonna practice?"

"Don't know...I was thinking Golem Court."

"I'm coming with you."

He left no room for argument, but when has that ever stopped me before?


"Wouldn't want you to accidentally kill someone."

His voice was oozing with sarcasm. I matched his tone.

"...Oh really? And what's to stop me from killing you?"

The Fear Of Death Confounds Me: A Wizard101 NovelWhere stories live. Discover now