Chapter 2: Ravenwood

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The next morning I woke up and grabbed a quick bite to eat with Andrea, before we left for Ravenwood; which was where I was meeting Simeon, also where Andrea was supposed to have her first class of the morning. We went through the floating wind tunnel again and I saw a light brown haired boy coming towards us. As he came closer I could make out more of his features: crimson shaded eyes, slim body...he looks about 19 years old and was wearing a red robe with a fire symbol on it.

"You must be Simeon."

"Yes, I am. Hello your highness it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance"

He said while taking my hand to kiss it. I was struck dumb. Is everyone here this freaking formal? Luckily I think Andrea knew what I was thinking as she turned his attention to her.

"Simeon, long time no see."

"Andy! I missed you."

He grabbed her into a casual hug. So they can be casual. Maybe it's cause he doesn't know me well enough--wait a second, did he just call her Andy?! I couldn't not comment to be honest.


She rubbed her neck bashfully, before wincing.

"Umm...yeah; Em you're gonna be hearing that a lot so...get used to it."

I just bit my tongue to stop myself from making fun of the nickname. And offered her a sweet smile instead.

"Anyways, Professor Balestrom is gonna kill me if I don't get going. Em, you gonna be okay?"

I gave her a quick nod, I hate being fussed over, but I get she feels obligated to help. It's sweet really, so I didn't comment.

"Take care of her Sim, I mean it."

"Don't worry Andy. She's in good hands."

I sighed audibly. I couldn't help it.

"Alright I'm going, see ya guys, tonight."

She scurried off to make it to her class on time, Simeon, turned to me and then said something that took me completely by surprise.

"You hated it when I was being formal, didn't you?"

Does he have mind reading abilities or am I just transparent? Whatever, if he knows, he knows.

"Yeah...not really used to the stiff formalities."

"Well I can stop if you want, it's just you are the Crown Princess, people will automatically act this way unless you tell them otherwise."

"In that case, please refrain from calling me 'Your Highness.' I mean seriously, it's just Emily."

"Alright, then. Emily it is."

"Thank you."

"Oh and just some advice, don't worry about voicing your feelings, people appreciate honesty here."

"Oh I don't 'worry' but I'll keep that in mind."

He seemed taken aback by my bluntness but got over it faster than his innocent face would suggest.

"That's all I ask. Alright now for the grand tour."

He led me towards Bartleby – the grandfather tree – and then started going around each school one by one explaining their functions and how they fit in the spiral and the types of wizards each person from different schools usually turn out to be. There are 7 schools which are categorized as follows. 3 Spirit schools: Death, Life and Myth. 3 Elemental schools: Ice, Fire and storm. And finally; balance which is a little of both categories. But I only made out 5 five buildings for some reason.

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