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Tzuyu POV

I stretched my body and rubbed my eyes as I felt a heat that was touching my face. I slightly opened my eyes and blinded by the sun rays. I rolled my body.


And I found myself at the floor. I curled and felt an ache to my elbow. I unconsciously stood up and jumped back to my bed. Still my yes were closed.

Today's the day. Keep moving, Tzuyu.

I yawned and stretched my body once again and leapt from my bed. I made my way to the kitchen and drank a one glass of water. I haven't had enough sleep last night because I red alot of articles about Minatozaki Sana. Jihyo-unnie gave me old and new articles about her that I memorized while playing sudoku. I learned alot of things about her.

First things first, head to Kim Comp.

I took a good long shower and wore a ripped jeans and tank top and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I tied the lace of my converse shoes and sprayed on a nice strong perfume. I should be ready because if I get caught and killed, I still look good.

And of course, it's the CEO president whom I'll be taking pictures. And.... Yeah, I know it doesn't make any sense since it's impossible to get near her.

I have to go to the agency first to print my hardcopy. I checked myself at the mirror for the last time. Thing I usually do whenever I leave. And I'm going to see Minatozaki Sana.

Wait... I'm not making myself pretty for her, right? Of course not.

I grabbed my shoulder bag, ID, camera, and my apartment key. I locked the door and about to move away when a voice called me behind.

"Hey, Tzuyu-ah."

I turned around and saw Mrs. Hin with a smirk plastered on her face. She was standing not too far from me. I forced a smile.

"Annyeong, Mrs. Hin."

"Nice perfume. I can smell it here. You didn't use the whole bottle, right?" Her smirk was contagious. "13 days left, Chou Tzuyu. Hard to say bye-bye tho."

"It won't happen, Mrs. Hin. I can pay you." I smiled and bowed. I turned around and walked away. I don't have car so technically, I rode a bus.

The elevator dinged and I made my first step and the smell of a fragrance suffocated me in a nice way. And a cold temperature made me shiver since I just wore a tank top.

"Morning, Tzuyu-ah." A familiar cheerful voice behind me. I turned around and saw the short-haired girl also one of my close friend, Jeongyeon-unnie.

"Good morning, unnie!" I waved. She ran towards me and pinched my cheek.

"Kyaaa~ you're so cute baby Tzuyu~" She cooed and kissed my cheeck which she usually do everytime she sees me. Then she let go.

"You're bullying me again, unnie." I pouted and rubbed my reddened cheek because of the hard pinch.

She just smile widely. "Jihyo is looking for you. She's there." I followed her finger and it was pointing at the couch meters away from us. I saw Jihyo-unnie sitting at the couch while reading newspapers. I thanked Jeongyeon-unnie and walked towards Jihyo-unnie.

"Jihyo-unnie." I spoke.

Her eyes were slowy looking up and stopped at my chest. I blushed by her intense gaze. I pulled up my camera that was hanging around my neck to cover my chest.

"Yah! Unnie!" I sat beside her and slapped her arm lightly.

"What's with that outfit, Tzuyu-ah?" She asked and raised her eyebrows.

"What? It's just a normal outfit, unnie."

"Yeah. But, it's my first time to see you wearing that. I mean, you always wear shirt and pants." She said and looked back at the newspaper she was reading.

I leaned my back and shrugged my shoulders. "Well, I'm going to Minatozaki Comp. I should look good."

She chuckled. "Whatever. Btw, here." She handed me a manila folder and I took it. I checked it and it was my hardcopy. I was about to speak when she put her index finger in my mouth to shut me up. "Shush... You left that file opened in my laptop and it looks like your hardcopy. So, as your kind and gorgeous Jihyo-unnie, I initiated to print it out for you. You're welcome."

A smile crept in my lips and I hugged her tight. "Kyaaa~ thanks unnie! Sarangheyo~"

I heard a heartily chuckle from her as she patted my head. "Okay kid, goodluck on your first day."

I let go and thanked her again before leaving. By the way, Jihyo-unnie let me used her motorbike so that I don't have to spend money for transportation. Good thing I know how to drive a motorbike because my oppa taught me how. The problem is, I don't have a license. So I should be more careful and wisely use my driving skills.

I went to garage to find Jihyo-unnie's motorbike. Not so long, I finally found it. It wasn't hard to find it since the color is purple. Among the other motorbikes, it's the only girly-looking color. I hoped in and put on the helmet. I stuck the key and started the engine and drove off.

I parked the motorbike at the proper parking lot infront of the big building. I took off my helmet and fixed my hair at the sidemirror then put back the helmet under the motorbike. I scanned the whole place and sniffed the cool air. It's nice here.

I took the manila folder from my shoulder bag and reread it. Then at the last page says "Don't get caught" Jihyo-unnie added it. I smiled and put it back at my bag. I sat at the near bench, waiting for Minatozaki Sana. It was 3pm and her usual dismissal time is at 4pm.

I silently sat there, crossed legs while tapping my another foot at the ground. People in officesuit started to stepped out from the building and the park slowy filling up. Vacant time.

I squinted my eyes at the glass door and a girl I was waiting for finally showed up. I stood up immediately and ran towards my-or-borrowed motorbike. A limo came and another guy in suit&tie opened the car's door for Sana. When the limo started to move, I followed. But of course I kept distance so that they won't suspect me.

It's getting dim when the limo finally stopped infront of a big luxury condo building. I saw Sana stepped out and a middle-aged man with other guys approached the girl and they entered the building. I was watching them across the street not to far but I know they couldn't see me here because of the dim light coming from a postlamp.

I took a deep breath before hopping out from the motorbike. I took off my ID and camera then put it inside my shoulder bag.

This is it.

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