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No One POV

Tzuyu and Jihyo went to the condo building where the bag was left. But it seems like Tzuyu didn't like the idea of this.

"Unnie, are you sure about this? It feels like.... Sana picked it already and-" But Jihyo cut her off immediately.

"Yah! Calm down." She said. She held Tzuyu's hand as they entered the building. Jihyo simply smiled brightly and Tzuyu lowered her head.

"Good evening, ma'am." The same lady guard asked.

"Good evening, I'm here to visit my friend Son Chaeyoung. May I know her condo unit number?" Jihyo asked.

"Not a problem, Ms.?"


"Ms. Park, can I call Ms. Son for awhile?" The lady guard asked in polite way. Jihyo nodded.

The phone hung up and she smiled. "Her room number is, 907. 9th floor."

"Thank you." And she pulled Tzuyu behind her. The younger girl was lowering her head until they headed to 907.

Jihyo gave Tzuyu a warm smile to calm her down. And it worked. She knocked on the door and it hung open revealing a beautiful short-haired girl.

"Jihyo!!" And she jumped to Jihyo, hugging the latter.

"Yeah good to see you too. But you can let go now." Jihyo trying to escape from Chaeyoung's deadly embrace.

She let go and beamed a smile then she looked at the other girl. "Look who's here with us.. Son Chaeyoung aminida!" She extended her arms, asking for a hand shake and Tzuyu gladly took it.

"Chou Tzuyu." She smiled.

"Come in." Chaeyoung opened the door and let her visitors seated at the couch.


Tzuyu POV

Jihyo-unnie and I entered Chaeyoung-ssi's room and she told us to sit down first. They were talking and catching up stuffs. It looks like it's been awhile since their last meeting.

"Tzuyu-ssi, want something to eat?" Chaeyoung-ssi asked. Jihyo-unnie looked at me as she waits to my answer.

I shook my head. "I'm good, Chaeyoung-ssi. Thank you."

"Yah! Let's just drop the formalities. Just call me Chaeyoung and I'll call you Tzuyu." She smiled brightly. I like her vibe. She's very bubbly and bet she's comfortable to hang out with.

I smiled and nodded in response.

"So, Chaeyoung. Actually I brought Tzuyu with me because she left her bag at the rooftop. If you don't mind, will you go after her?" Jihyo-unnie said. My eyes widened.

"You aren't going with me unnie?" I asked hoping she would but she just shook her head and looked at her wristwatch.

"Nah. Boss messaged me it's an emergency, Tzuyu-ah. Mianhe~ but this friend of mine will take in charge of you." Jihyo-unnie put her arms around the girl's neck.

"B-but.." I want Jihyo-unnie to come with us! She brought me here and I don't feel safe around this condo. It feels like I'm going to bump with Minatozaki Sana. And that's it! I'm dead!

"Not a problem, Tzuyu!" Chaeyoung winked. "I think we should look on your bag now before anyone else might get it." She stood up and fixed her hair.

Right! I quickly stood up. Chaeyoung looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

Jihyo-unnie chuckled. "She's just nervous. Anyway girls! I really have to go now. Bye!" She hugged me and Chaeyoung then ran towards the door and slammed it. Leaving the both of us in an awkward silence. Or maybe it's just me.

"So! Let's go?" Chaeyoung smiled at me.

"De." I nodded and returned the smile.

We made our way to rooftop. And I was really freaking out about the idea of crossing Kim Sana's condo unit. But apparently, no Sana appeared.

We finally headed to the rooftop and in my horror, my bag wasn't there anymore.

"Girl, looks like someone got it already." Chaeyoung scanned her eyes around. "Did you see someone in here last night when you were here?"

I tensed up. Maybe...

"Uhm... Well... Yes."

"Oh good! Can you still remember the face? We can ask them."

I shook my head a couple times. "No.... Uhm,  can we just ask the lady guard instead? M-maybe she saw it."

Chaeyoung let out an amused chuckle. "You're cute, Tzuyu-ah. What's with the pale face and stutters?"

I awkwardly laughed and rubbed the nape of my neck. We walked downstairs and came back to 9th floor. We were talking some stuffs about me being friend with Jihyo-unnie. She told me that Jihyo-unnie is her bestfriend. I finally calmed down and seems to forgot about my bag. She's really funny and accommodating.

But then she abruptly stopped talking and a wide smile appeared on her face. I was looking at her and followed where her eyes were looking at.

My world stopped.

"Sana-ah!" Chaeyoung ran towards the girl standing in front of us. Eye-ing me.

I gulped down hard by her intimidating look.

"Chaeyoung." She smiled lightly and gave her a hug.

"What's up?" Chaeyoung asked and I swear, I'm wishing that I could just disappear.

"Just came from work. How about you?" She looked at Chaeyoung like there's nothing happened. I wonder if she was the one who got my bag.

Chaeyoung faced me and pulled me towards them. "This is Chou Tzuyu! She accidentally left her bag at the rooftop and I'm helping her to find it. What a kind of me, isn't" She chuckled and patted my shoulders. Sana's eyes met mine but I quickly looked away.

"Oh that shoulder bag?"

My eyes widened and my head shot up. I felt my heart leapt to my throat. I bit my lower lip and nodded slowly.

She gave me a light smile and looked at Chaeyoung. "I have it." Her words made me tensed up. "I knew you were looking for it. Thanks to me I FOUND it." She emphasized the word 'found'.

I looked at Chaeyoung with a pleading eyes. Asking for help but no words came out from my mouth.

"Perfect! Let's get it then, Tzuyu-ah."

"Oh don't worry about her, Chaeyoung-ah. I bet you have your so-called-friendly-date with Mina. I can take her with me." Sana grabbed my arm and pulled me harshly. Not letting go of my arm and her grip really do hurt. The smell of her strong perfume invaded my nostrils.

"Yah, Sana! I shouldn't have told you that! But you're right, anyway. Tzuyu-ah, are you okay with it?"

Of course not! I was about to say no but Sana answered instead. "Of course she is." It was a cold and low tone. I couldn't even look at her. Chaeyoung bid goodbye and left. While me and Minatozaki Sana stayed on our feet.

"Let's go." She ordered. I didn't know what gotten into me but her words made me follow. I was tailing behind and wanted to just run away but I felt a heavy weight to my whole being. Mixed of being insane and scared. My mind stopped working as I watched my own feet following Sana's way.

My forehead bumped to something that snapped me back to reality. I rubbed my forehead and looked where I bumped at. And Sana's back faced me. She didn't react at all she just turned sideward and opened the door. I hesitated if I should step in or just stand there. Then  she pulled me in and slammed the door.

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