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I was silently sitting at the passenger seat of Sana's car, dying inside to know what Jeongyeon-unnie whispered at her that turned Sana into a creepy woman. I glanced at her. Yes, she was still smiling. Looked like a happy teenage girl who just got a nice car. Whatever it was, I like this new side of her.

My thoughts snapped out when the car stopped in front of a coffee shop. She needed to have a coffee, indeed. To knock some cold out of her.

I was welcomed by a cold breeze of Seoul. It was getting dark and the skies drew in a shed of blue and orange. I had this habit of picturing out images using clouds. And for unknown reason, it came out with a heart shape.

"Do you want to come with me?" I heard Sana's voice beside me. It was weird that it sounded different for me. I looked sideway and examined her beautiful face. Her eyes was different today than the other days. It was like giving me a soft gaze. Her pointy nose. Then her full lips in red.

"I'll take that as a no."

I blinked when she disappeared from my sight. She already walked away and entered the coffee shop. It was the first time that I felt like I would love to slap myself. I bit my lower lip, trying not to blush. But it was no use since I was already blushing madly. I turned around to check myself at the side mirror.

"Seriously. . ." I mumbled as I rubbed my cheeks.


I jerked up when someone spoke behind. I thought it was Sana but no. It was Chaeyoung-unnie with a taller girl that I didn't know.

I sighed in relief.

"It's been a while." She said and we shared a quick hug.

"It's nice to see you again." I smiled widely. I felt relieved when she hugged me.

"Yeah right! Hey, this is Mina. Mina, this is Tzuyu." The taller girl named Mina waved a hand and smiled. She was pretty just like Chaeyoung-unnie. "What are you doing here? We just bought clothes." She added. The girl beside her wagged the paper bags with its name 'Gucci.'

Before I could answer, Chaeyoung-unnie frowned and said, "Wait, this car is familiar." She tilted her head. She walked around the car and checked the plate number. I didn't know why it gave me an uneased feeling.

"It's Sana's." I said.

"I knew it!" She squealed enthusiastically. Then paused for a minute. She looked at me intently. "How'd you know?"

"I'm w-with h-her."

Her lips slowly tugged upward that ended up with a wide grin like Cheshire cat. "You're with her."

"I'm with her."

"You're with her." This time it was louder.

I smiled uncomfortably. "Yes."

"Holy moly!! You're with her!!" She clapped and twirled around. "I have to go. I have to go." She gave me a tight hug before clinging into Mina-ssi's arm and left me dumbfounded. I heard Chaeyoung-unnie mumbled, "That punk."

Just in time, Sana came back with two cup of coffees. "Sorry it took a while."

"It's alright." I reached the coffee.

We entered her car and wore seatbelts. I sipped on my hot dark chocolate coffee. I felt so much better. "I had a small chat with Chaeyoung-unnie awhile ago."

She chocked and quickly grabbed a tissue. She pressed it on her lips and cringed. "Shit." I heard.

I couldn't help but to giggle. "Careful."

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