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No One POV

Sana scrolled down a floods of unread emails that was sent for her yesterday. She heaved a sigh and closed her laptop. She knew that half of those emails came from Mr. Gong but she wasn't in the mood to read it since she already knew the contents of the message, so she proceeded to her paperworks she needs to finish. A knock on the door broke the silence and Nayeon went to see who it was.

"Mr. Gong."

Sana didn't take her eyes away from the papers she was signing.

I knew it.

Mr. Gong looked at Nayeon, gesturing her to leave them for awhile. Nayeon thought they would have a private discussion so she bowed and left. It was rare for Mr. Gong to visit Sana without a letter of appointment unless it's urgent. And whenever this happens, it's not a good news.

"Young Miss."

Sana dropped her pen and closed the folder. She leaned back to her chair but she wasn't looking to the person in front of her.

"I suppose you know why am I here." Mr. Gong walked closely to her.

No response from the blonde.

"And you don't have a plan to read my emails so I went here."

Still no response.

"And your grandpa asked me to."

She looked up. "What did Papa say?" She asked confusedly.

"Some of clients spoke with your grandpa at shareholders meeting and said that you've been ignoring them and canceling appointments with them."

Sana raised her eyebrows, telling Mr. Gong to continue his words.

"And your grandpa was worried about you and the company. Is there any acceptable reasons behind this?" His voice was plain serious but she could tell that Mr. Gong was also worried.

She shrugged. "I don't like them." She simply answered.

Mr. Gong pushed his eyeglasses at the bridge of his nose. "For the sake of your grandpa's company, it is better to stop being stubborn. You're the top CEO president here in Seoul Korea but acting very unprofessional. You easily lose your temper, you turned down a bunch of business offers from other big companies. I don't even have an idea on how you maintain being on the top list." He shook his head.

Sana cracked a smile. "I have my ways."

But Mr. Gong stayed on his blank expression without blinking and it made Sana frown. "This is what you called business world, Young Miss. Not a joke. That's all I wanna say." He bowed and walked towards the door.

"Where's Papa? Is he going to talk to me too?" Her asked softly while playing with her fingers.

"He should. Have a nice day, Young Miss." He flushed a small smile and left.

Sana stared at the door for a second then went back to her work. Her grandfather is calm type of person but she knows how severe his wrath could be. And the smile from Mr. Gong tells how much she should be ready.

"Nayeon." She called.

"Yes, Ms. Sana?"

"What is my last appointment?"

Nayeon checked her schedule. "Your last appointment will be held at the lobby with Ms. Kim Dahyun." She trailed her index finger at the right side of paper. "At 3pm." She added.

Sana nodded her head in response.

Kim Dahyun... Where did I hear that name?

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