Hetalia: Russia x China

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Hey guys this is my first book and I hope you like this is rated TV.14 so yea. And if you don't like boy x boy then please look for a different book!
Chapter 1. The fateful day

China's P.O.V.

We were in the world meeting listening to England and France bicker just for bickering sake when the whole building started to shake.
I saw Russia of all people in here run outside.

The shaking stopped right after, I ran outside with the others following me to see what had caused it. Only finding Russia surrounded by a large group of people waring cameo.

" Who the bloody-hell are you guys" England exclaimed

" Run if you want to live and forget you saw any of this " one of the said

"That doesn't answer our question. now answer!" England said again

" We are the R.A.T.14 for sort "

I was still confused on why they were attacking Russia. so I decided to ask.

" What are you doing surrounding Russia anyways"

" We are here to 1) kill or torture Russia. 2) to kidnap somebody named...... sorry let out to much information."

" Well in that case you must die" I said while sprinting at them

" CHINA roundhouse!"

To my surprise they dodged my attack when one of them came up from behind putting me in a head/ leg lock so I couldn't move.

" We found you at last our little hostage, hahaha "

" Vhat do you gonna do with China" Germany growled

" Ve~ what are you gonna do with him now! ~.~"

" I think I know ~ Honhonhonhon " France said

We all looked at France like he was crazy minus R.A.T.14

"Thanks for the idea maybe we will try that "


Please give me more ideas I need them. vote read and commit p.s. I will tell you before chap. if gonna get into tv14 mode

Well chow for now bye bye ;p


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