Hetalia: Russia x China

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Chapter 13

My hero has come

China's P.O.V.

I was waiting for Russia when I heard a knock at the door, so I headed to the door.

When I opened it it was Russia

" Russia, I missed you, aru" I said jumping on him to give him a hug

" I missed you to my little sunflower" he said with his big smile that made me blush

" Belarus is on her way, at least that's what Ukraine said, da "

" Come inside, the others are in the living room so you can go talk to them about what we're going to do while I make some tea and get some vodka for you. " I said getting away from Russia and heading to the kitchen

" Okay, if you hear any noise that doesn't come from the living room drop what your doing and run to the living room as quickly as possible, k da "

" Okay , love you, aru"

" Love you to-, did you hear something " he said looking around concerningly only to lay his eyes on Belarus

" China run to the living room while I hold her off" he said but all I did was get closer to him

" I will kill you for taking my brother away from me" she said with a blade and chain in her hands starting to run at us

We both were scared, Russia brought out his pipe and grabbed at my waist pulling me so close that the only thing keeping us apart was are clothes

" Get away from my brother or else " she said only a few feet from us

"Or what, or what will you do sister!"

" Tie you up brother an- " was all she before passing out

I saw South, Japan, And the others there South with a old chair

" Sorry I had to hit your sis with a chair dude "

" That's okay, as long as you guys and China's are safe for now"


Okay guys one chap done and another to come well bye!


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