Hetalia Russia x China

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Okay good comments I thank all who support me I I dedicate this book for whoever has read this far. and with me so young it's kind of hard to write like this but it's all good so here's next chap.

Chapter sixteen

Loss and love. what a pair

China's P.O.V.

My hero, the only one I ever loved was.....dead. lying on the ground blood still growing around his body. so..so much blood, I'll never look at war or anything to do with fighting like that ever again.

Suddenly I heard foot steps get closer and closer to me as I cried over the loss of my love and my protecter,but I wish I wish I could at least say one thing to him ' I love you' that's what I would say.... The foot steps stopped in front of me but I didn't bother looking up because I know I would see that mans... no ' Beasts' face if I did.

Next thing I know is me on the floor looking at some whore down old boots, then black nothing but black and silents not even the dancing of the fire farther in the cave. I couldn't take it any more I had to let out my anger and now was the time for payback!

'Let's see how they like it when the foot is on the other hand' I thought before my sight was restored.


I no short right but I had time and had a idea so I used it even though I could take it further, but it's 10;47 p.m. here and I have to wake up at 6:00 a.m. so ya well bye

Lolwattpal out

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