Important pls read ps dear all readers

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Hey guys it's me lolwattpal or u can call me sam for short of Samantha !
But hey I'm asking friends and other follows for input but in truth if I don't come up with something soon I will have too delete this book and that means the series to so pls Give me ideas I'm begging u too the bottom of my heart pls give ideas cause if I delete fans will be disappointed and that breaks my heart so pls pls pls I'm on my knees begging u to help me out here!

Ps I gonna tell u some stuff about me cause i feel like it and writers block is killing me!

Well one I'm the eldest of three kids,
Me I'm a girl named Samantha, then one of my brothers are named Logan and he's 10 and new born brother who's almost 2 and I will let u guess my age but anyway Ive been in the swim team of Kettering rec. for 2 years now and it's fun. um I do have a job I'm modeling and acting uh... I've never been held back. my birthday is December 26, ? let u guess how old I am. I am a hetalia truly. I'm not very popular at all. I like reading/sleeping/swimming/wattpad! I have brownish blond hair more brown, brown eyes.
And that's about it I don't have a lot to talk about but theirs something's well bye!

Lolwattpal or Sam/Samantha

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