Hetalia: Russia x China

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Sorry had prob.. so let's get on with it already.


Chapter six: home again

Russia's P.O.V.

Right as he closed his eyes I Lind in an lightly kissed him on the lips.

They were so soft. soft as a baby's butt infact. Seems he wasn't completely asleep cause he ever so gentle kissed me back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip ~~~~~~~~~~

We were in my car, on our way to my place to get China warmed up.

We stopped as we had made it in the garage. I got the keys and got out to get China.

He looked so much better than he did before hand. I unbuckled him carrying him bridal style into the house.

" I hope Belarus isn't here, da " she would kill China and that would be bad.

All my thinking about Belarus made me not notice we were in my room!

I went to sent China down on my bed , but he grabbed on my jacket and snuggled in closer to me.

I smiled/ giggled at that. I mean he's just so damn hot.

I slowly took off my jacket and boots leaving my scarf. moving the covers, hoping in and holding China made him smile apparently.


Chiff hanger I no hate me ...... Ec. ec.

Sorry in rush cause holidays so ya working on 2 nd book called Hetalia: Greece x Japan so ya


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