Hetalia: Russia x China

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Hey guys sorry I've been busy but here's another chapter oh... also we don't have many chapters left and don't forget this is a part of a series so I have my second book already out so pls if you like this book read my GreecexJapan book okay so I'll... shut up

Chapter 18

Mystery P.O.V.

We were walking out in the snow storm, heading back to our house when I saw two figures on the ground. I ran over and turned whoever it was over, but when I turned the first one over I noticed who it was. It was none other than Ivan (1) and someone else.... I called over my husband to help me get them back to Ivan's house...

TIMESKIP to Russia's house

We patched up Ivan's wound then went to his friend... I presume.

When we were done we headed to our house so they could rest but honestly what could have happened to them?

Russia's P.O.V.

I woke up shirtless an a bandaged up chest.

I suddenly remember the cave and China.... but how did I get home. I started to get up slowly checking my surrounding. I can tell that I'm no longer in the cave wait this looks like my guest bedroom. I got up and looked around to see a chocolate colored table with mahogany chairs and one vase with fresh newly picked sunflowers. yep this was my guest room. I walked to the table slowly and saw a note.

It read ' Dear Ivan

We found you and another person out in the snow so we brought you to your house. Please get well soon and be more careful next time your in a snow storm.

From your friend

So that's who helped us wait us oh yea China I rushed to my room and saw his beautiful figure lay on the bed also shirtless with bandages around his chest. It made me so sad to see him in a state so I pulled up a chair an layed my head down besides him


Okay I no it's short but we only have one chapter left and I didn't want to ruin the ending be warned lots of cheesy/ fluff in next chapter then I'm going to work on my 2 nd book that's already out so if u like to know now go read it an you will find out what happens....


Hetalia: Russia x ChinaWhere stories live. Discover now