Happy With Everything, Finally

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Next day, Akhila woke up refreshed. She was smiling wide and enjoying. She also went to college and when she saw Ishika, she just avoided her and talked to other friends. Ishika felt hurt. But that is also a fake feeling. That was clearly shown in her face. She pretended to be hurt. Kavya and Akhila stuck together, with other circle of friends. She was so happy! In the evening, Sumedh and Siddharth came to pick the girls. They spoke till Ishika came. After she came, Siddharth smooched Kavya. Ishika got shocked and went away with that face. They laughed their ass out. "Let's go and eat panipuri." Sumedh said. "Of course, it's been ages since we ate panipuri. We'll also eat dahi puri, Masala puri and sev puri." Akhila said excited. They went to a chat center nearby. Ishika was there with other group of friends. She was observing them, mainly Siddharth and Akhila. They both were damn happy. "Sid, see who's seeing here." Sumedh whispered. "Ha, I saw. Now see what'll I do." Siddharth whispered. They ordered two plates of Masala puri. Siddharth fed Kavya, she fed Siddharth. They were enjoying making lovely faces. "Fine!" Ishika whispered to herself and "I'll just come." She said and walked to them, who were busy in their own world. First she went to Siddharth. "Sid, listen to me. This is your love Ishika." She said with fake teary eyes. "Now see she's shedding fake tears." Akhila whispered to Sumedh. "Let's see the drama now. We should insult her that badly, so she won't come to us forever!" Sumedh whispered. "Akhi, Akhi! Listen to me!" She shook Akhila. "Baby, someone is shaking me." She said in a childish voice. "Hey, I saw her somewhere!" Sumedh said seeing Ishika. "Hey she's that bitch who slept with so many boys!" Kavya said with a shock expression. "Yeah! Yeah! Kavs, you're correct baby! She's that girl who ditched my friend Vikram. " Siddharth said. Everyone there stared at her. The panipuri wala was staring at her with a lust look. She cupped her mouth and ran away from there. "Mission accomplished!" Akhila shouted. They all gave a hifi and had a group hug. They did a panipuri party. Sumedh and Siddharth stopped at Varun's place. Akhila was really very happy. She was enjoying her day.

"What happened? Akanksha and Janvi said in unison, rushing to them. "She's different today." Janvi said. "Yeah Didi, she's different. What's the matter Akhi?" Akanksha asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Didi! Today was awesome. I should tell you. Janvi Didi, you also listen." Akhila said snatching Akanksha. Vinod and Varun walked inside. They saw these people and walked to them. They saw Akhila being happy and smiled wide. "What's the matter? My sister is finally fully happy?" Vinod winked. "Ha, bhayya and Jiju! We have an awesome story to tell you!" Akhila said. "Then we have to listen." Varun said and they sat down on the couch. "Start!" Janvi said. Akhila started telling everything. They laughed and laughed. "You did a correct thing today. She is of that character! Sid, superb! That smooch, huh!" Varun teased. "Bhai!" Siddharth blushed. Kavya too blushed. "And the best part is, that panipuri one. She needs that insult! That idiotic whore!" Vinod said. "You're right Vinu." Janvi said. Vinod nodded. "I decided" Akhila said. "What?" Janvi asked. "I will return her things. I will return each and everything she gave me and breakup with her." Akhila said. "Best!" Akanksha said. "But you should be strong Akhi. Don't freak out after seeing her." Vinod said. "Kavya will be there with me. So she will give everything to her. Or else we'll call our classmate Pravallika and give them to her." Akhila said. Vinod nodded. "But, I think I'll cry after this." Akhila said. "Cry out. You'll feel better." Akanksha said. "Let's have snacks. I made your favorite cheese balls." Janvi said. "Cheese balls!" Kavya screamed and ran to the dining table. They kept the plates and had some snacks.

"Dairy! Where's the dairy?" Akhila mumbled and she was searching for a dairy of Ishika. "What happened babe?" Akanksha walked in. "What are you searching for?" She asked. "A dairy!" Akhila said and "Didi, did we bring everything here when we vacated that flat?" She asked. "Yes skitty, we brought." Akanksha said. "Then where's that dairy my angel?" Akhila asked. "Which dairy?' Akanksha asked searching for that. "That black dairy. That bitch gave me." Akhila said. "Oh yeah! There's some matter about Rahul in that right?" Akanksha asked. "No Akshu, there's some info about Sid." Akhila said and "got it!" She said and sat down on the bed with a thud. "Finally!" Akanksha said. "What is going on girls?" Varun asked coming inside. He saw Akanksha and got stunned. "Babe, I didn't think you look this hot in saree." He whispered. "Thank you baby." Akanksha said and blushed. "So I think I should leave now. Have your privacy." Akhila said chuckling, walking out.

"Thank you Akhi!" Varun whispered. Akanksha blushed. "So, what's my lovely husband doing here?" She asked. "Romancing with his lovely wife." He said and "weather is also romantic today." He said and opened the window. "Yeah! I'll change and come." Akanksha said getting up. Varun caught her hand and "no need of changing. You're beautiful." He said. "Also little sexy." He whispered. "You are the world's most insane husband." Akanksha said smooched him. "Awwww!!!! I was waiting for this from so long time. I missed you that badly! I missed our time badly." He said pulling her. They cuddled up as it drizzled out side. "Its drizzling." Varun whispered. "Yeah!" She said as he circled his arms around her waist making her lost in their world. "I'm happy that everything is fine!" Akanksha said. "Akhila! Finally! She's out of that depressed mood!" Varun said. "And Kavya! Oh My God!" Akanksha said and chuckled. "Yeah! Sid and Kav! Like seriously! They both! In a relationship!" They laughed. "Finally, Sumedh and Akhila are getting married along with Sid and Kavya!" Akanksha said. "We are getting remarried." Varun whispered placing a kiss on Akanksha's neck. "Yeah!" She whispered closing her eyes, blushing. "I love you." He said. "I love you too. I miss this OUR TIME badly!" She said. "Yeah, so now weather is also romantic....!!!!" Varun smirked. "No!" Akanksha screamed softly. "Why?" He kept a puppy face. "No means no!" She said as he started pulling her off. She fell on him. He circled his arms tightly around her waist. She offed the light.

You know what happens next. Yay! So finally Akhila is happy! That Ishika bitch deserves that kind of insult 😠😠😠 Akhila is going to return Ishika's things. Do you think she'll bear that?

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Chapter dedicated to Akhi615

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