Final Breakup

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Next day, Akhila packed her things and set for college. "I'll drop you both" Vinod said. Kavya and Akhila nodded quickly. He dropped them. "Bunny, be strong. Don't freak out. Kavya take care of her." Vinod said. "Okay, Bhayya." Kavya said. "By the way, what's this? New nickname?" Akhila asked wiggling her eyebrows. "I thought its cute. So I started calling you as bunny." Vinod said placing his hand on the door. "Bye. All the best." He waved, closing the door. They both waved. He sighed. They saw back. Akhila ignored her and started walking with Kavya. "Akhi, Akhi, Akhila!" Ishika screamed. Akhila rolled her eyes and walked to the classroom. "Kavya! Listen to me. Ask our sister to talk." Ishika screamed. "Didi, I'm gonna make things worse." Kavya whispered. Akhila stopped her. She shook her head closing her eyes. Kavya rolled her eyes and nodded. "Akhila!" Ishika screamed. Akhila lost her patience. She turned back with a glare. "What?" She shouted. "I want to know why are you doing all this?" Ishika asked. "You know that and please leave us alone! We don't want to get hurt again and again. We believed in you, she thought you were her life more than Sumedh Jiju. Sid tried to die because of you! We can't get hurt more! If you again torture us like this! I'll file a police complaint against you. Understand? You better understand!" Kavya shouted at the top of her voice. "But..." Ishika tried to speak, but Kavya threw her things on her face. "Don't ever think to hurt my sister. If you hurt my sister, I'll make your life a living hell." Kavya said. "But, Kavya, I just pranked on her that day!" Ishika said with a sad face. "That's not a prank. That's a heart attack!" Kavya shouted and "I know I'm with Sid. Don't ever try to do this to us again! You'll be behind the bars." Kavya warned. "Just listen to me!" Ishika screamed. "Excuse me! Miss Mehra! You have no right to scream, shout or yell at us." Kavya said and slapped Ishika hardly. She fell on the ground. Kavya grabbed Akhila by her shoulder and "She's my sister. If you break her heart, I'll break your face." She said pointing a finger at Ishika. They started walking from there as Ishika glared at them. "I should sort things out." She whispered and "I'm going to her house.Oh yes, she's staying at Varun Jiju's place." She smiled to herself. She grabbed her things.

After the college, Akhila and Kavya quickly went home as Varun picked them. "how was the day?" He asked. "Jiju, you know." Akhila said. "hmm." He sighed and drove. Akanksha called him. "Ha Akshu" he said.

"She's here!"

"What? Who?"

"That bitch."

"What is she doing there?"

"She's acting as if she's hurt. She's talking to Vinod Bhayya. She came in the morning."

"He's correct for her."

"Acha! Listen, I need some vegetables for tomorrow's Ganesh chaturdhi prasaad. I have to give it in our community."

"Okay. I got it. I'll bring them. I'll take them for ice cream. You handle her."

"Okay. Bye baby." She cut the call. "What happened Jiju?" Kavya leaned forward and whispered. "She's in home!" Varun whispered. "What?"Kavya cupped her mouth with her hand. "What happened Kav?" Akhila. "Ice cream in Baskin Robbins!" Kavya squealed and "my mint chip!!!!" She screamed. Akhila laughed. "My honey butterscotch." She said and laughed. Varun chuckled and drove to Baskin Robbins. Paparazzi followed them. But they ignored. They found their seats and "I'll place the order and come." Varun said. "Okay Jiju!" They said in unison. Kavya was really very excited for ice cream. He brought the ice cream. "Jiju, do the Paparazzi know that we are your sister in laws?" Kavya asked. Varun shook his head. Kavya put a puppy face and started eating ice cream. Varun saw the tv. There was a news flashing about him.

Varun Dhawan spotted at Baskin Robbins with two girls. What about Akanksha? Are they still together? Are they getting married? Or they broke up? So many questions, but no answer from either of them. Stay tuned for more updates.

Varun immediately took his phone out and "Selfie?" He asked. "Yesss!!!!" Kavya squealed. They took a Selfie. "You don't mind if I post it in Instagram?" He asked. "Oh My God! Varun Dhawan the great is asking us for permission!" Akhila laughed followed by Varun and Kavya. "Its okay Jiju. Post it! Instant popularity for us." Akhila said and winked. He posted that Selfie saying:

@varundvn: What a good evening with my little sisters (nanans) @akhilaaggarwal and @kavyasid

He posted. Instantly some notifications flashed. He shoved the phone in his pocket. "What's the response?" Akhila asked and "we saw the news Jiju!" She said. He smiled. "Shall we go?" Kavya asked. "Yes." Varun said making sure the Paparazzi are not around. They went out and the Paparazzi rounded them. Varun protected them and sat in the car as Kavya and Akhila rushed into their seats. They closed the doors really quick and drove from there.

"Jiju, home?" Kavya asked. "Of course and Akhi, I have a really bad news to tell you." Varun said as his phone buzzed. It was Akanksha. "Yeah baby?" He said.

"She is not going! You need to come home and finalize everything here."

"Yeah we are on the way."

"Fine. Vinod bhayya is managing the situation here. Sumedh and Siddharth also came for Akhi and Kav."

"Oh no!"


"Sumu and Sid are in the situation! So oh no!"

"Yeah! Waiting for you three. Come fast!"

"Okay" he said and cut the call. "Now tell me Jiju. What's that bad news?" Akhila asked. "That girl is in our house. She came in the morning. She's acting as if she's hurt and she's shedding fake tears. I was in an ad film shoot from the morning. So I didn't knew that. Akshu called me when we were going home. That's why I took you to Baskin Robbins." He said. "Oh no! I don't want to see her face!" Akhila whispered. "Don't worry sweety. Everything will be alright." Varun said smiling. Akhila nodded. They took the vegetables and got home.

Akhila ran to Sumedh. She hugged him. "Don't worry baby. Everything will be alright. We're there here. We'll manage the situation." He whispered. "This is the reason I love you." Akhila whispered. He blushed. She ran into her room. Siddharth and Vinod were arguing with Ishika. Sumedh was glaring at her. Akanksha followed Akhila to her room with Janvi. "Akhila don't feel sad." Janvi said. "Me? Feeling sad? In fact, I'm very happy Janvi Didi." Akhila said and let out a choking laugh. "Thank God! Now I'm happy!" Akanksha said. They three hugged. "Get OUT YOU BITCH!" They heard a voice and Akanksha ran out saying, "Didi, just take care of her. I'll just come." Janvi nodded. She ran out. It was Varun. "Varun?" Akanksha got shocked. "YOU NEED THIS!" Siddharth said and caught her throat. She choked out of pain. "Sid...ugh!!! Leave me!!!! Ugh!!! Leave me...!!" Ishika chocked. He left glaring at her. "I want to file a case against her." Sumedh said. "What?" Akanksha asked. "Yes bhabhi. Vinod Jiju, I want to file a case against this girl. Attempt to murder." Sumedh said. Ishika got horrified. "No!" She whispered. "Okay, Sumedh. I'll take the complaint from you. Write it in a paper and give it to me now." Vinod said. Akanksha grabbed a notepad and pen from the table. Sumedh gave a written complaint on her. Vinod took her to the station.

"Akhi, she went come out!" Sumedh called. Akhila came out. "You gave a complaint?" She asked. "Yes. She won't disturb us again." He said. She nodded and hugged her to his chest. "So are you happy now Akhila bhabhi?" Siddharth asked. Akhila smiled and nodded. "Are you happy?" She asked. "Yes of course, Coz, Kavya is there for me." He said and grabbed Kavya by her waist. "So, we have exams from tomorrow." Akhila said and "Fourth year, last semester." She said. "Mine is third year, last semester." Kavya said. "So girls, what are you doing here?" Siddharth and Sumedh asked in unison. "Okay. We are going for studying!" The girls said in unison and went into their rooms. Everyone laughed. "We'll leave guys." Sumedh said. "Sumu," Akanksha called. "Ha bhabhi?" He asked. "Thank you." She said and pulled him in for a hug. "No need of thanks bhabhi. Its my duty to protect her." Sumedh said. "Love you for this behavior Sumedh." Akanksha said smiling wide. "Love you too bhabhi." He said smiling wide. Siddharth too hugged her really quick and they waved at them.

Ishika!!!!😠😠😠How can she do that! Sumedh did a right thing. Well done Sumedh 👏👏

Dedicated to my sister 😘 Akhi615

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