This can't be good...

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Those words seemed to just fall out of my mouth perfectly. His deep, rich, sexy voice answers my whisper.

"So have I," he pulls away from the hug slightly and I feel his hand snake around my back pushing me tighter against him. He starts to lean down to me, and I see his eyes close, I pull back quickly, he pulls away and looks at me.

"I know that your my mate and all, and I understand that because you're an alpha, you want to be in control but I feel as though this is too quick. I'm sorry," I pull away completely and lean against the wall, he looks at me in surprise. His green eyes go dark, in want, I see his eyes roam my body and I feel as though I'm naked in front of him.

"Please," he growls, "I've never been this close to a girl," he looks down and mutters "never had my first kiss," he says and I look at him in shock. He finally looks at me, and before I can even think he's on me. He pushes me against the wall, and slams his lips into mine. Fireworks explode in me as his lips surround mine. He deffinitly lied to me about never kissing a girl, his lips are too experienced. He pulls back and gives me a smirk I punch him in the arm and push him off me.

"Why in hell would you do that?!" I scream at him, thanking the director in my mind for putting in soundproof doors. "you lied to me too! You so have kissed a girl before, no virgin lips can move like that," he laughs and trys to pull me to him, I quickly turn to the side.

"come on, Sonata, don't do this. Your my mate, what else am I supposed to feel?" he gives me a cocky grin.

"Ugh," I grunt and turn and slam the door behind me, leaving him alone. This one is going to be hard to tame, "Stupid alphas." I mutter to myself as I walk to the band room to get my stuff and leave. When I get out to my jeep I find Kyle already in the passanger side, as soon as I open the door he is apologizing.

"Sonata, I'm so so so sorry, I was a jerk back there, I'm not used to having a selfdependant girl. Most girls I dated would kiss the ground I walked on to get a kiss..i just figured-" I cut him off.

"you just thought you could control me, but Alpha, I'm going to train you. Now, get out of my car, I have to go." I say he flinches slightly at my words, but remains in my car. Suddenly I'm lifted out of my seat and into his lap, I try to get away but it's as though his arm are steel around me. Finally, I calm down and just sit there, straddling him.

"Will you please hear me out?" he asks and I sit back as far as I can into his arm, cross my arms and gesture with my head fro him to start.

"Sonata, your beautiful, smart, independent, and everything it takes to be an alpha female. I lost control back there, the wolf inside of me just wanted to mark you, make you mine. Before anyone else could. Just holding your hand made me go crazy inside, I know that we are from two totally different packs-" I gasp and he stops talking. I just realized, he's Alpha for the Shadows. My pack's, Hollows, arch enemy. About 100 yars ago, the packs signed a treaty, knowing that if they kept the war up, both sides would die off. Ever since, they have hated each other, I simply forgot in the minst of my bliss, that Kyle...Kyle Shadows.

"no, we, we cant do this, Shadows. We can't be together. I'm sorry." He looks up at me with awe, and I use it to get me free of his grasp, I open the passenger door and run out . I stand there for a minute before I break down and cry, I sit on the pavement and cry, I hear Kyle get out of my car and leave, he runs west...towards his pack house.

Authors note**

Sorry this is short, but im going to go to Kyle's POV next so..just keep reading! :]

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