Mate? Your speaking a different language.

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Okay so i know i havent uploaded in awhile. . .like, in a really long time. Im really sorry! But please, just comment, vote, even fan! Thank you!



War? I didnt think it could be this serious. Kyle senses my distress and takes my waist, his touch comforts me. His father looks at pur embrace, then looks at kyle.

"you marked her?" he asks, even though i can tell he already knows the answer. Kyle nods.

"well, since you did, she technically doesnt even belong to her pack anymore anyways," i look up at his father. Really? But, even if im not apart of my- my fathers pack, i still want to find a way we can all live in unison. At least come up with a treaty. Kyle sees the shock cross my face, as does his father.

"you two go, explain everything to her, son. Ill start talking to the elders, try and find a way to fix this. Sonata," he adresses me directly now "dont worry, if you father has a cold enough heart to kick you out of the pack because you found your mate, we will always be here for you. Understand that, anyone my son loves, we will love and treat like family here." he says. I leave Kyles embrace and snake my arms around his father. He gives me a strong hug as tears begin to escape my eyes. Kyle pulls me away and i manage to choke out a 'thank you' before kyle pulls me out of the room. His father nods his head, turns, and walks away.

Kyle leads me to a room, i assume is his bedroom because of the smell. He pulls me to the bed and sits me down onto it. He remains standing, and pacing. All i can do is look at him, one of his arms is wrapped around his torso while the other leads on it, his fingers pinch the bridge of his nose. My wolf wants to run up to him and comfort him, or, just to touch him, i restrain myself, waiting for him to speak. Finally he looks at me, i can see the hurt in his eyes, suddenly i cant take it anymore, i stand up and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around him and soon he sofens under my touch. He wraps his arms around me now and sets his chin on my head.

"we have to be together, sonata, I don't know what il do with out you," he says and I nod.

"I know. We will figure out a way, but until then, can you please tell me how this mate stuff works?" He laughs and leads me back to the bed. This time, he sits down with me.

"okay erl, you already know that you have a mark on your hip, right" I nodd " will, when I marked you, out changed. Each would, when they are born, they are marked with the mark of their pack. Of course, the men always have the same mark, its the females that change. Right now, yours is what mine is, an inscription in the ancient language, before it said hollows, now it says shadows, and, its red because you are now the luna of this pack. the red symbolizes 'Alpha'," I gasp and throw my shirt up then pull down the side of my jeans. I hear him growl in pleasure when he sees the mark is exactly what he described it as.

suddenly I feel hands on me, sparks fly as he ribs my bare hips. He pages me down on the bed, kisses me lightly then smiles.

"then, when we decide to fully mate, " he kisses me again and puts more of his weight on me, " a simple heart will appear on the bottom left side of the mark, also, a strong scent will enclose you, and no man will ever question that your mine. " he says and kisses me again, only rougher this time. I moan on his lips and let him slip his tongue in me, and I grind my hips into his. He smiles and pulls away. Not ashamed at his little friend that seemed to heave grown a few inches.

" don't tease me then not put out, itll only come back to bite you in the butt." He whispers in my eat then nibbles at my ear lobe. I smile.

" I'm willing to take my chances,".say and my hand sorely traces down his chest until they are on the belt line of his jeans. Before I can react, he moves up so my face is in his chest, but my hand is cupping his crotch. He moans even when I dont move my hands.

"please," he manages to gasp. I pull my hand back.

"not tonight." I say and he growls.

"why the hell not? Do you know how many cold showers ill have to take to get rid of this. I never felt myself get so big. Babe, im not asking for sex. Just dont leave me like this?" He pleads and I sigh.

"if you wait until tomorrow. I will fully mate with you. Just give me until tomorrow. To think this through, please?" He growls but looks into my eyes.


He pulls away quickly and suddenly I feel empty. I see him already across the room, sitting on a chair. I sit uo and walk over to him, sitting on the ground infront of him. He plays with a piece of my hair and I smile, knowing that im forgiven, though I cant help but glance up and look at the bulge in his pants.

•Babe, just so you know, we can communticate now. I can hear everything your thinking.•

I blush a deep red then ask.

"how can you block it?" he chuckles.

"cant, your not supposed to have any secrets between your mates, sorry."

"Damn it." I mutter and he laughs.

"are you getting tired?" He asks me and I nod. He stand up and picks me up, I don't even protest when he takes me to his bed. He steps down to just his boxers when I realise that I still have my cloths on.

"i hope you don't mind, I sleep shirtless. " I smile and stand up. I take off my pants and shirt and stand before him in just my underclothes. I then reach behind me and unclasp my bra. I take it off and set it next to my jeans and shrt on the ground. I finally look at Kyle too see shock in his eyes.

"so do I!" I say and walk to the bathroom door.

"what are you doing?" He finally asks, probably after just checking me out in the lace 'cheeky' panties I was wearing.

"using your brush to brush my teeth, going yo the bathroom, then coming in to sleep with you. " I say and procede to do what I told him. I walk back to the bed, his eyes never leaving me. I slip under the covers and he finally regains his composure. His arm snakes around my waist, I lay my head on his chest and lightly stroke his abs. His other hand plays with my hair. It brushes down until he reaches my chest. He lightly brushes my bare mounds, sending shivers down me.

"dont" I manage in a gasp. He leans down to my neck, nibbles my ear and whispers.

"i know you like it, just let us mate tonight. " he says and I shake my head.

"if you keep pestering me about it, ill wait even longer" I say and he groans.

"Kyle, why does it feel like I already love you?" I ask him. He is suprised by my question.

"Well, love, we are made for each other. Im thrilled that you feel the same way I do. I didn't want to tell you anything and have you be scared." He says and I gasp

"so your saying that you love me?" He tenses but bids.

"Yes, Sonata, I love you." He says and I reach up to his neck. I pull him down to me, as soon his lips touch mine I can't help but deepen the kiss. I shift myself so I'm half way over him.

Before anything else can happen, Kyles parents storm in the room. Kyle growls and quickly hides my bare chest under the sheets.

"what do you want?" He growls towards his parents.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, son, but her father if here to collect her, he won't leaves until he had her." I look down.

"okay, we will be down soon. " Kyle says and they leave the room.

"i want to stay here," I say finally and get up. I walk over to where his black button uo shirt is lying. I put it on, its long enough to cover everything. Kyle only puts on a pair of shorts, and takes my waist as we walk down the stairs.

Comment, please! I know its been forever since I uploaded. I promise to get a couple more chapters up vrryyyy sooooon!rs

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