Sometimes, its better without your love.

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Brandon's POV

Why is she so scared of me? I thought she would be dieing to mate with me. I know I am. I couldnt help myself. When I saw her laying on the bed, her dark hair surrounding her beautiful face, my wolf took over.

"Your my mate and you will do as I say!" I scream, not being able to stop myself. When I see her flinch and pain flash in her eyes. I turn around.

"dammit. You probably hate me now, dont you?" I ask her. She suprises me when I feel her small arms snake around my waist.

"i could tell it was your wolf talking. But Brandon, we need to talk." I turn around, still in her arms and look her in the eyes.

"okay?" I say in a questioning tone. She takes my hand and leads us to the couch in the corner of the room. She sits me down on one side and she sits directly across from me. I cant help but notice how she is trying to be as far away as possible. My wolf wines at this, but I manage to keep him down, so I dont do anything thay will hurt her.

"Brandon, I have a mate. Well, my true mate. He isnt you. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you deserve a girl that will love you as much as you think you love me." realization hits me as I remeber her with that boy, when I came to pick her up.

"it was him. Hes your mate. Right?" I ask her and she nods slowly. She yhen continues to tell me the story that my father told her.

"i cant believe he would kill my mate!" I say angrily.

"i looked into it, if your mate is killed before you meet him or her, a new mate is risen. Though, it usually means that they are human, but its still a mate." She says to me. A true mate. Thats what I crave, though what I feel when I touch Sonata is strong, I couldnt help but wonder why there wasnt more there. Now I understood.

"Thank you, Sonata. Im glad I didnt go through with that mating process. Now, come, we are going to go talk to my father then im going to take you back to your mate. Where you belong." I say to her and we walk out of the house. We start driving and I hear her mumble two little words that make my heart melt.

"thank you," I smile and reply: "your welcome" she smiles at me, and I cant help but wish that she was my true mate. She is beaitiful, smart, independant, everything I want in a mate, expecially a future luna.

We arive at my fathers house and I smell a sweet mixture of cookies and bananas. I immidiatly knkw its my mate, but what is she doing here? I walk up to the house with Sonata on my heels. We rush into the house and when I walk into the living room I fall to my knees.

"hello son" my father says. He is holding her, mg mate, with a knife pressed into her throat. She has a light blue gag in her mouth, and i know suddenly that she is human. Even human, she has beautiful features. Her long blonde hair is full and thick. Her light brown eyes, which hold a confused gaze as we make eye contact. Also, her small frame is perfectly sculpted.

"please," is all I manage to whisper as my knees hit the ground.

"i figured that little slut would tell you the truth about what I did. So, I had no choice but to find your second, true mate and simply wait. I didnt know the first time that you have to look at her before you kill her. Otherwise youd just have another mate poppin up somewhere. They are a real pain in my ass to track down. Anyways, if you want your real mate, her name is Tara by the way, to live. Mate and marry Sonata. Though you and her will go through life unfilled, at least youll both live." He smiles and presses the knife deeper into her skin, almost breaking it, for emphasis.

"why, why would you do this- why is making Sonata Luna of the pack so damn important to you?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"i made a deal, and I plan to keep it. You need not know my true reasoning behind this. Son, I promise you its for your own good, as well as the packs. They need a wolf as there Luna. Not some weak human." He says and I grimace at his words. How dare he say that.

"you could have just kept my first, wolf mate, alive." I snarl back and look at Sonata, who has yet to say one word in this matter. She looks very worried and uncomfertable, standing there. Her arms are folded across her chest and there is a single tear falling down her cheek.

"please dont do this. Ill find a different she wolf if you want me to. Just leave Sonata and Tara out of this. Please dad. Please" my father only laughs at my words, and without warning, my wolf jumps through my skin. Before I can even come close to my dad, two men block my path. I snarl and tell him through the mind link.

"ill win this, dad" I say the last word with disgust in my voice "dont you worry" I turn and walk out of the room, still in wolf form, and gesture for Sonata to follow me.

Kyle's POV

She should have called by now. They had enough time to talk. She was sure that she would be able to convince Brandon of what his father did. And assure him that there is someone out there for him, even though his first, true mate was killed. I flop back onto the bed, thinking of what to do. Knowing, that if I went after her, we would end up in more trouble.

Suddenly, my phone rings, I jump up and answer it on the second ring. Its her.

"are you hurt? When can I come and get you?" I ask her immidiatly before I hear her crying voice.

"his father knew our plan. He said he will kill Brandons, second true mate if we dont mate and marry. Making me Luna of their pack. Kyle, I have to stay here for a little while. Brandon believed me, and now, him and I need to work something out. Together. Ill call you if I need any help or when we figure out a plan. Until then, just hearing your voice is making me sad. Please, dont try and see me, or call me. Itll make things worse, expecially if we are caught. Being alone will help both of us deal with the pain. I love you, Kyle." And the phone clicks. I cant help it. I am so angry, I throw my phone across the room, shattering it. Then I kneel down and with my head in my hands, I sob. Letting everything out.


I know, sad. :c

Anyways, pleaseeeerr comment and vote. Cuz thats what wills me to keep writing. You dont even know.

Go ok n, dont be afraid.




Haha, love you! C:


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