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“Good morning Tsunayoshi-sama!” Gokudera greeted when he spot the brunet going out of the house. His eyes darken though at the tired state of his Tsunayoshi-sama. There was a bag under his eyes and his hair looks wilder than usual.

“Morning—” Tsuna greeted back but was interrupted by a yawn. “—Gokudera-kun.”

“Are you okay, Tsunayoshi-sama?”

“Hm? Ah yeah. Just a little sleepy,” the brunet replied followed by another yawn.

“Who was it that disturb your sleep, Tsunayoshi-sama? I’ll thoroughly punish them and make sure this wouldn’t happen again!”

“It’s fine. Let’s just go”

“If you say so…” the silver-head mumbled but still eyed the house for anything g that look different. Everything looks the same just like how he’d seen them every day. Gokudera noticed though that Tsuna’s bag was bulkier than usual. He was also using a backpack instead of the usual book bag. He was about to comment about it but lost the chance when the brunet broke into a small sprint.

The trip to school was uneventful. They would reached the room with no problem if only Hibari wasn’t by the gate watching them like a hawk. Tsuna knows the raven was planning to tail him to his job again.

After he nicely ‘asked’ permission for one day absent and denied the Skylark to join him, Hibari throw a fit. Yeah, a fit. Beating someone to a bloody pulp was how Hibari Kyoya throw a fit. Tsuna almost pity the guy that received the blunt side of Hibari’s tantrum but he immediately forget the pity knowing the receiver was supposed to be him. He was lucky he jumped out of the window in time.

When they reached the classroom though, the first odd thing that Tsuna noticed was smiling Yamamoto. No, the smile isn’t unusual since the guy is an idiot who always smile. He wouldn’t deny or even justify that. Who laugh anyway when they just fall off the roof and had barely been saved before they kissed the ground and their life goodbye? So no, the problem wasn’t the smile in itself. What’s new is that Yamamoto is smiling at him. It’s creeping him out to be honest.

Tsuna promptly ignore it and proceed to his seat. Unfortunately, his companion isn’t the type to ignore and let things go. Tsuna just sigh when Gokudera march up to the raven with a murderous glare. But since Yamamoto is an idiot, he just smile through it.

“Oi, you stupid baseball-freak, stop staring at my Tsunayoshi-sama!” Gokudera snarled, letting everyone know that he was staking his claim. Tsunayoshi is his. He’s going to serve him with all his life. He’s going to be the one beside his Tsunayoshi-sama when the world know how awesome he is. He’ll never leave his side and they are going to grow old together.

“Hahaha. But there’s nothing wrong with staring,” Yamamoto reasoned out, his smile never leaving him.

“There is, moron! You’re making Tsunayoshi-sama uncomfortable. As his right hand man, it is my duty to make sure there is nothing that bothers him!”

“Being right hand man sounds fun. I wanna be Tsuna’s right hand man too,” the baseball athlete said, earning him another growl from Gokudera.

“You can’t. I am Tsunayoshi-sama’s right hand man. But I know that more subordinate is good so I let you be the shoulder blade.”

“How about you just be the earlobe then I can be the right hand?” the raven replied, with a competitive glint in his eyes.

“Why you?!”

With how many times his name had been drop between the arguments, Tsuna wasn’t surprised to find that his classmates are now glaring at him. Why does this always happen to him? It’s not like he purposely set lose his puppy— err friend on Yamamoto. His interest was on the raven’s strange behavior though. The guy is easy-go-lucky and friendly, that was given but he never really paid that much attention to him before.

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